Yes, all you regulars will know of my constant petty larceny as I snoop around unwary sites on this internet-thingie and nick anything laying about that looks good. I'm sorry, m'Lud, but I just can't help myself. When you only have a little writing talent it is just so tempting to pinch something from a seriously good writer. Also, to be fair, I didn't go looking for this, that disreputable layabout, Oswald Thake - well, he hangs about round here so he must be dodgy! - volunteered it to me in the comments to the previous post - so what's a body to do?
And there are, m'Lud, mitigating circs because if my readers are looking forward to Christmas with all the same enthusiasm as the man who won first prize in a draw which turned out to be a week's holiday in Albania - second prize was two weeks! - then let me tell you that the author of this particular blog is a marvellous, funny, gifted writer - with razors embedded in his keyboard! Read it and laugh - and for God's sale cheer up, Christmas will soon be over: