So you want to be your own boss? If you want to quit your day job and work on your business full-time, there are some essential mindset shifts you must make. It's very different to be your own boss and have no one to rely on but yourself.
Here are the most important mindset shifts to make the first year of becoming your own boss:
1. Work less to make more.
You don't have to work 8 hours a day. The time you put into your business must be focused on revenue producing activities. Utilize your most valuable asset. Your time. We all have 24 hours in a day. It's what you use those hours for that will make you rich. That means, treat your time like your money. When you work, focus and be as productive as possible and don't waste time. This will allow you to work less than having to just sit at your desk checking email until 4:30 like you may have when you were at your day job.
2. Set a productive schedule.
When you are your own boss, you set your own schedule. Set up a regular schedule for yourself and batch as much administrative time together as possible so you can have more "focus" time for income producing activities. Self-discipline is mandatory for an entrepreneur. You have to carefully plan out your day ahead of time and know what activities you will do when. Try only doing certain activities together on certain days so you can have the most time as possible for focus time to work on those revenue generating activities that will move your new business forward.
3. Focus on only one thing at a time.
Prioritize your work based on revenue producing activities and don't go to #2 until #1 is complete. You can't do everything. Now is the time to start saying no to activities that don't fit your visions and dreams. Only give yourself 2-3 major priorities for the day and do your best to delegate as much as possible too. Don't fill up your day doing administrative items like emailing or social media. Also, don't be a doer, be a manager. Stop working IN your business and start spending more hours working ON your business.
4. Shop at off times.
Go against the grain. Do your groceries and errands when other people aren't out to save time. You'll love how quiet the stores are on Monday mornings at 9am!
5. Commit to being a success.
Don't say, "I just want to be comfortable and secure." Think bigger. Raise your prices and raise the possibilities when you are your own boss. Really have a vision of what you are going after. You absolutely can and will make it happen. You just have to believe that it is possible and keep taking those baby steps. So raise your dreams and goals a little bit higher. What truly is possible for you and your new business?
6. Become a money magnet.
Do what makes you feel like a rich woman who enjoys total abundance and financial freedom. Convince yourself that you deserve and are worthy to receive amounts of money in abundance. You are worth charging a very fair price for what you have. You help people, right? There is someone that needs what you have to offer? Don't let your doubts creep in.
[Related: Make More Money With These 10 Creative Ways]
What other tips do you have about being your own boss?