Hair & Beauty Magazine

How to Look Good in Crop Tops Feat 2B Alternative into Arms and Body

By Vivianism @vivianism

How to look good in crop tops Feat 2B alternative into Arms and Body

My favorite kind of outfit during the weekend is definitely crop tops paired with high waist shorts or skirts. It makes my legs longer as I keep the torso short. The thing about crop tops is that you can’t wear them if your tummy bulges. You won’t look good if there’s a lump of fat around your waist line. I do not have pretty abs to show (would be really hot if you do wear crop tops showing off your abs) but I do have tips on how to look good in them.

How to look good in crop tops Feat 2B alternative into Arms and Body

First Tip: No Low Waist Pants Or Skirts
If your tummy is flabby, most likely you won’t look good showing too much skin. Most people have a bigger lower abdomen and low waist bottoms are going to accentuate your flaws even more. Always stick to high waist bottoms and just show that little bit of skin.

How to look good in crop tops Feat 2B alternative into Arms and Body

How to look good in crop tops Feat 2B alternative into Arms and Body

Second Tip: Use a product that can help slim down your tummy

I have been using 2B alternative into arms and body on and off. I would apply this everyday if I can but I’m a little lazy sometimes. This product does not miraculously take inches off your waist. But I find that it works pretty well in removing water retention, hence the tummy doesn’t look as bloated than before. It is good to use days before an important function just so you can keep your shape in check. It keeps the skin moisturized and firm as well.


How to look good in crop tops Feat 2B alternative into Arms and Body

This product comes in gel form. To use it, simply  dry your body after shower and apply 2B into your waist and arms. For your waist, gently massage from lower waist and up for 3 minutes. For your arms, gently massage from your palm to your shoulder for 2 to 3 minutes until fully absorb.

You will feel some heat sensation and that is perfectly normal. This heat sensation helps to burn fats. For better results, try applying and go for an exercise!

2B alternative Into Arms and Body can be purchased from Guardian. 

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