Hello all
Handling the stress of getting a new job can be extremely challenging. Will I get along with my co-workers, my manager, will the pay be enough, will I need to pick up extra shifts to make up the difference? These are the questions that EVERYONE asks themselves, either consciously or sub-consciously.
Any change is challenging. Anything that alters our routine is challenging as well. Often, however, change brings with it, tremendous reward; personally, economically, socially.
Rising above to meet the challenge of change can boost our collective self-esteem tremendously.
If we can did down, and find the strength to meet the challenge head on, then without a doubt, the next time we meet a challenge, we will have our last victory to draw strength from.
Even failure can give us strength. It gives us the opportunity to learn what we are doing incorrectly, and correct it in the future. We should TRY to never make the same mistake twice. If however, we do, it is certainly not the end of the world, though I would certainly recommend NOT making it a third time; you know “Three strikes your out” and all that.
Bosses tend not to not be too fond of triple offenders. lolListen, your symptoms will go up, without a doubt. But why, because it is something new, something unfamiliar? Remember this fact and it will save you a LOT of heartache in your life to come: There is a learning curve to everything. Your boss knows it, your co-workers know it because they ALL went through it! You are supposed to make mistakes. Making mistakes is one of the ways in which we learn. It is ok, and in fact is is expected. ust remember, three strikes!
Here’s an analogy that I love to use: If someone were to put a jet engine on a table in front of you and say “OK, fix it!” could you do it? Most people will answer no, and why? Because you were never taught HOW to fix a jet engine! If someone taught you, and you practiced sufficiently, you would eventually learn to fix it. This is a learning curve, the time that it takes to learn how to do something effectively.
So, you go to your new job, expect (just like everyone else does) that it will take you some time time to learn what the heck you’re supposed to do, and don’t let you anxiety levels go up, why? Because in this case, you ae NO different from anybody, some learn quickly, some more slowly, but eventually, everybody learns!