Pregnancy is certainly an extremely challenging phase in every woman’s life. But if you need to go through a C-section or cesarean section for the delivery of the baby, you may find it even more challenging to lose that excess weight and slim down your belly area. Well, getting a flat and toned tummy by shedding off the post c-section pouch is actually not easy. But if you keep the following tips in mind and abide by them, you will be quite a few steps ahead in your way. Check them out:
1. Be Patient
Never ever push yourself too hard to get a flat stomach right after undergoing the c-section. It will do nothing but worsen the situation by delaying your recovery. Rather, be patient and give your body the required time to heal. You’ve just had a major surgery and you definitely can’t ignore it. Can you?
2. Stay Positive
Just because you can’t practice the standard abdominal exercises for some days after c-section doesn’t mean that you can never get into the shape. You must not give up, while keeping your patience. Having a positive outlook is of utmost importance for getting your flat stomach back once again.
Also Read – How to Get Back Into the Shape After Pregnancy? Here
3. Act Early
Well, you can’t perform normal workouts and need to be patient during this phase. But make sure that you try other ways to flatten your stomach and that too within the first 6 months of your surgery. This is the time when your body keeps secreting the pregnancy hormones and the fat remains loose enough to shake off. If the secretion of pregnancy hormones stops and the fat gets set due to solidification, your task will turn 10 tomes tougher.
4. Have a High-Carb, Low-Fat Diet
Carbohydrates are very important for new moms as they make the procedure of lactation easier by providing added energy. Including proteins, vitamins and minerals in your diet is also crucial. But stay away from consuming raw fats, especially butter, clarified butter (ghee) and sweets.
5. Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking water during the post c-section phase is not only helpful for maintaining the fluid balance of the physical system, but it also plays a key role in melting away the excess body fat.
6. Keep Breastfeeding Your Baby
Make sure that you breastfeed your newborn at least for the first 6 months after going through the c-section. It is known to be one of the most effective ways to get5 rid of additional belly fat.
7. Practice Yoga Asanas
Start practicing yoga asanas, especially pranayama, in place of intense workouts. These will make your abdominal muscles firmer and help them tuck in your stomach in a more natural-looking way.
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8. Opt for Lipid Bursting Massages
In case you find it tough to practice yoga after the cesarean section, go for lipid bursting massages. These are basically Ayurvedic therapies that help in toning up muscles, thereby accelerating the process of fat loss.
9. Get an Abdominal Belt
Last but not the least, get an abdominal belt for yourself. You need to wear it all the times except when you are having your meals, sleeping or going to the washroom. It might sound a bit annoying, but you will definitely get the result.
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