Diet & Weight Magazine

How to Combat Conventional Dietary Advice

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1
How to Combat Conventional Dietary Advice34 45:06

How do you combat conventional dietary advice? What are the seven common beliefs that are just myths, and that hold us back from understanding how to eat truly healthy foods?

In this presentation from the LCHF convention Dr. Zoe Harcombe busts common myths about "5-a-day", whole grains, animal fats and several other things.

Watch it

You can buy access to the entire LCHF convention for $49 from the organizers. Or you can watch this talk on our member pages, including captions and transcript:

Nutrition Nuggets to Combat Conventional Dietary Advice - Dr. Zoe Harcombe

Start your free membership trial to watch it instantly - as well as over 140 video courses, movies, other presentations, interviews, Q&A with experts, etc.


Here's what our members have said about the presentation:

A great video! So much information!
- Marlene

Zoe Harcombe is fantastic. Great presentation.
- Stacy

Is Zoe suggesting that we don't need to worry about eating vegetables?
- Carole

I love the slide "Do you think nature is trying to kill you". LOL
- Mark

wow, loved Zoe's presentation!

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