Hair & Beauty Magazine

How To: Clip in Hair Extensions

By Misspenelope90 @MissPenelope90
hi everyone.
so for those of you who don't know, i got an amazing set of dip dye hair extensions. see what i think here.
so if you wear alot of hair extensions, or are thinking about wearing them but haven't got a clue how to put them in, i will give you a quick guide on how to do it.
Now there are quite alot of different ways to put them in, so you don't have to do it exactly like this, its just an idea.
oki, so different brands will come with a different amount of pieces and different lengths, but most will come with 3 pieces with 3 clips, or maybe 2 lots of 2 clips and then one long section.
The one im using comes with 2 large 3 clip pieces, 2 small 3 clip pieces, and then 6 1 clip pieces.
so first off you need to section your hair right at the bottom, straight across, so that a 3 or 2 clip can fit along the line. how to: clip in hair extensions
then put the clips in all along the line, don't put it on any of the hair above, because it'll pull on your hair and wont sit right. how to: clip in hair extensions
you could also back comb the section of hair and hair spray it before putting the extensions in, because the clips will have something to clip into (imagine back combing is creating like knots in your hair, the clip will link onto the knot and not move)
next section another section, just above that one how to: clip in hair extensions
and then put your hair extensions in exactly the same as the last how to: clip in hair extensions
next, you need to section right along just above your ears, like your doing your hair half up half down. how to: clip in hair extensions
then i put 2 sets of 3 clips in each side of my head, but if you have a huge piece then you can just put it all the way through. how to: clip in hair extensions
and if you have any pieces spare, either one clips or 2, just lift up different pieces of hair and just put them in, anywhere that you think needs alittle bit more hair, or you can see your own hair to much.  how to: clip in hair extensions
and thats it! how to: clip in hair extensions how to: clip in hair extensions
hair extensions are easy when you know how, and it takes me less then 5 mins now to put them in, my hair is the easiest bit of my day :D
hope you found this helpful? and if you have any other questions, please dont be afraid to ask!

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By  Kimlee
posted on 20 November at 11:43
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I found the above article very useful because all the points about clip in are mentioned properly. I personally use clip in for my hair.