Gadgets Magazine

How to Choose the Best Tablet For You

Posted on the 29 August 2013 by Anna Peterson

If you’re thinking about buying a tablet but don’t know which one is best for you, here’s a guide that could help you make up your mind. To figure out what kind of tablet fulfills your needs, first thing you need to do is ask yourself these questions: Do I want an iPad or Android tablet? What tablet size will best suit me? Should I go with Wi-Fi or 3G model?

iPad or Android Tablet?

Apple iPad or Android tablet

iPad or Android Tablet?

Apple made a huge success with their iPad devices and became a leader in terms of number of tablets sold. However, there are other brands producing great tablets that are available at a cheaper price. Samsung, Asus, Acer, Amazon and other brands offer tablet devices of high quality that can easily compete with Apple’s iPad models.  One of the main differences between Apple and Android tablet devices is the operating system. iPad models run Apple’s own operating system iOS, a powerful and easy to use. Thanks to its intuitive design you’ll find this system easy to operate with. One of the iPad’s greatest advantage is the number of apps available on the App Store.

On the other hand, Android OS supports some of the greatest brands such as Samsung, Google and Amazon. The Android OS is frequently updated and highly customizable. This feature is great for those who like to alter the looks of their tablet interface. Another advantage of Android tablets is they are cheaper Apple iPads. For instance, you can buy Google Nexus for less than £ 160.

7-inch or 10-inch Tablet?

Should i choose smaller or bigger tablet

7-inch or 10-inch Tablet?

Tablets come in a range of sizes, but most of them are available in either the 7-inch or 10-inch model. For those who are looking for a cheap, portable, light and easy to hold tablet, the 7-inch model is just the right thing to choose. They can easily fit any pocket and are good for reading e-books and web browsing.

If you, on the other hand, like watching a lot of films, or need a tablet for typing documents or e-mails, a larger screen will make it easier for you to perform these  activities. In addition, the 10-inch tablets usually offer more built-in memory capacity, like 32 GB and 64 GB, which comes in handy if you want to store films, games and music on your tablet.

Wi-Fi or 3G?

Should i choose 3g over wi-fi

Wi-Fi version or 3G?

Finally, you have to to consider what type of internet connection you need. All tablets come with Wi-Fi internet access and for most of the users, it is more than enough. These tablets allow you to use the internet at home, at work or at public places. However, many manufacturers today offer 3G or 4G version which allow you to use internet on the go, and you can browse the web even if there’s no Wi-Fi available in the area. The main downside to 3G and 4G tablets is that they are more expensive than their Wi-Fi equivalents. For instance, the 16 GB Wi-Fi version of  iPad 4 costs £ 399 , while the 3G and 4G are priced at £ 499.

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