What you resist, persists
I have found this statement to be one of the most accurate.
Whatever we try to avoid, and whatever we wish so intensely not to get, we tend to attract into our lives.
As energetic beings it’s unsurprising that we tend to attract similar energy to what we are focused on – whether we want it or not.
Sometimes, we have to face situations that we don’t necessarily find desirable, and that’s life.
However, if you’re continually attracting into your life the situations and people that you are trying to avoid, it’s time to take a closer look at why you’re manifesting these things.
Here are the best ways that I’ve found to get more out of what I do want and avoid what I don’t:
Identify and dig deeper
Look at the feelings these people, things or situations are providing you. Benjamin J Harvey says you are “addicted” to certain feelings. Whether you want them or not, the feelings you are attracting into your life are often of your own making.
If we start to investigate common feelings that we are experiencing, we may be able to link it back to a childhood or other past incident.
If that’s all you knew earlier on in life, you are likely to continue to expect these feelings to occur throughout your life.
You therefore become “addicted” to them, and start to manifest situations that will make you feel the same way.
For example, are you regularly experiencing feelings of guilt or shame? Often it’s true that we are manifesting these experiences in life with our addictions to these feelings.
Change focus
It follows that if we become “addicted” to negative feelings, then we can also become addicted to positive ones. The best way to do this is to look at some of the experiences and people who provide you with the emotions that you do in fact want in life, and to pursue more of those.
Once you have identified the experiences that will bring you the feelings you want, get yourself more of those and immerse yourself in them.
The way to get less of what you don’t want is to focus 100 per cent on the feelings that you do want, and fill your life with experiences and people that bring you these positive emotions.
When have you found that you are getting what you DON’T want, continuously?