Sun is an avid source of vitamin D – a necessity for your bones. But an over exposure to the sunny side of the sun may lead you to many unsightly marks on your skin, including those white spots too. A result of ultraviolet impact of the skin, these sun spots look unsightly. But are they harmful too? Know more in this article.
Do you need expert medical consultation to treat white spots?
Commonly sun-caused white spots are not harmful and do not require any serious medical supervision. They can be treated easily with things available around you. You can use a few home remedies too to avoid those pale colored skin-patches.

(note – sun borne white spots are much different than vitiligo spots. Vitiligo is a condition of permanent loss of pigments from skin and it spreads while sun spots do not spread. If your white spot is spreading, consult your dermatologist immediately.)
Also Read – Can Sun Protection Pill Be a Good Alternative to Regular Sunscreen?
Home Remedies Available to Treat White Sun Spots
Apple cider vinegar – the wonder vinegar is used as an effective medicine for treatment of white sun spots. You can apply apple cider vinegar directly on the affected skin part and wash it after 10 to 15 minutes. A regular use of this fruit vinegar will greatly reduce the paleness of the sunspot.
Note – For best results, add little bit of onion juice in your vinegar solution before you apply it on your skin.
Aloe Vera – After wonder vinegar, the next is wonder herb. Aloe-vera holds a prominent place in beauty and medicine world due to its amazing healing properties. When used on sun spots, it catalyzes the new cell generation process in the skin which helps the skin in restoring its natural color.
Castor Oil – It’s an essential oil. This oil effectively removes white sun spots if mixed with COD liver oil. Mix equal amount of both oils and use it on your skin twice a day. It’ll aid you in getting rid of white sunspots easily.
Vitamin E treatment – Vitamin E is a potent medicine for treatment of white sun spots. A daily application of vitamin E oil on the affected skin part improves skin color and brings it back to the natural shade. Apart from using vitamin E oil, include this nutrient in your daily diet too. It’ll bring better results.
Also Read – Easy Ways to Cure White Spots from Tanning
Curatives from kitchen
A number of home remedies for sun caused skin discoloration lies inside your kitchen basket. Tomato, lemon and garlic are supposed to be very effective in treatment of white sun spots.
Lemon and tomato – These are acidic fruits which are known for their bleaching properties. You can use juices of these fruits or rub them directly on your skin to naturally heal your skin and make its color even. Note – Avoid sun exposure while tomato or lemon extracts are still on your skin.
Garlic – Just like lemon and tomato, garlic too poses skin healing qualities. It also helps in skin color restoration. The best way to use garlic for white sun spot removal is direct use of its juice. You must apply garlic juice at least for ten minutes on your skin. Afterwards, you can wash your skin with lukewarm water.
Is there any cosmetic treatment available for white sun spots?
White sun spots naturally fades away in span of a few weeks. You do need to go for any additional therapy to get rid of it while in case of vitiligo, cosmetic surgery is seen as a potent cure.
Also Read – Simple DIY Methods to Sun-Bleach Your Hair
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