Hair & Beauty Magazine

Honeyz Cube x HKCplaza Pamper Party! (Blogger Event)

By Ireviewuread

After 1 month of dragging and such I finally am here to upload my experience on the Honeyz Cube x HKCplaza Pamper Party!

Huge thanks to Juliana from Honeyz Cube for the invite!

Psst. If you find the name HoneyzCube familiar, then you are right! I’ve blogged a detailed How To and introduction of HoneyzCube in one of my past post HERE! So check that out if you want an intro of what’s HoneyzCube!

Basically, this event is to celebrate the launch of Honeyz Cube’s newly launched Cube Store and the new P.Antarctica 77 Cream (You have to scroll all the way to the end of the post to find out how you can get yourself Starter Kits of this Cream!)!

Enough with the introduction, let’s jump into the pictures!


Situated on Dempsey Hill is this flamboyantly themed nail palace, Nail’s D’vine.

Upon rushing to the event in a cab (a Mercedes cab to be more accurate)[Huge note: NVR EVER take a Mercs cab unless you are really in a rush or you really want to blow a hole in your pocket]{Damn you comfort booking ==}, I was greeted by the host, Juliana!

Side Note: If you really were to take a cab there, as a customer, you are entitled to $10 cab rebate. Terms and conditions? :

  • Claim will be made in a form of payment deduction - EG. If you decided to do a $80 service, you present your cab receipt, ending amount you need to pay: $70
  • Original cab receipt have to be presented upon billing

Side Note 2: Your cab fare may be $15 or $23 you will still only get a $10 rebate.  

Continuing with my story… Almost immediately, Juliana showed me and the other bloggers who just arrived, a drink menu for us to choose our drinks


Being extremely flustered from rushing there, I chose the one which is the most familiar to me: Green Tea. (Look at the cute cat on the cover!)


While waiting for my Green tea, I managed to have a peek at Nail’s D’vine price packages!

After awhile, I decided to turn around and BOOM, I was greeted by the waiting area!


The first thing which caught my attention was the children’s play area! Filled with a cute rocking horse, some other toys and a purple doll house, it really bring me back to my childhood days, where the kids would be left aside with their toys while the parents go off to run their errands without any worries.

I felt that this concept of having a children’s play area at the waiting area is simply brilliant! Reason being, this allow mothers to indulge in their pampering sessions fully without having to worry about their kids. On top of that, with the rising trend of entertaining your kids with electronic games and devices (Eg.Ipad etc.), I strongly encourage kids to play with physical toys to help exercise their creative juices instead of staring blankly at a screen throughout the day.

Ok, enough of my philosophy! Time to move on:


(I added the 2D fire above for the 2 thingys at the side look so empty)

As expected, the next thing which caught my attention is this huge mirror which can totally capture the chandelier above me and the narcissistic self in me immediately hopped out!


After calming the narcissist part of me down, I carry on and took photos of the waiting area!


Apart from admiring the poshly decorated waiting area, the first activity of the day was product testing! (So much products on my hands~)


Subsequently, we were lead past a few neatly placed shelves of products and jewelry to the Mani, Pedi Area!


Here’s the pedicure area!

(Apparently, I’ve forgotten to capture the manicure area =_=)


The person is explaining more about the makeup and such

In the middle of the Mani, Pedi area, laid a row of makeup with a few brightly lighted mirrors!


Here’s a closer look in the makeup! Colorful~


Being easily distracted, I suddenly decided to look up and look at what I’ve discovered!

Baby angels!!! *Silent Scream*


Here’s a better looking version of the interior and the babies! (Still loving the Chandeliers around the store!)


While waiting for my turn at the manicure station, I managed to roam around and capture more shots of the classy looking interior and socialize with the other bloggers! (Huge thanks to Juliana for introducing me around or I’ll prolly be drawing circles on the ground)


Before I knew it, it’s finally my time at the manicure stations and here’s the end result! (On top of that, the staff give me a very relaxing hand massage!) [Yes, it’s a classic manicure~]


Soon thereafter, it’s time to get myself a V-shaped face with the Relaxing Facial & LJH Doctor’s Care Derma SKin Tech V-Line Program!


When I turned into the room, almost immediately, I spotted another huge mirror and the narcissistic self in me hopped out again (Stop hopping out!)!


Enough of me being narcissistic! Time for some photos of the "Crime Scene”

Why would I refer this place as the Crime Scene? Well, it’s because it’s the last place where my circular face can be found!


Here’s the weapons which help convict my round face to hell!

Basically, the process goes like this: 

  1. The person help clear my face of impurities and makeup (You should have seen the cotton wool - She even have to clean 2 times)
  2. After putting the Gel-liked liquid on affected areas (mainly cheeks and areas with laugh lines), the person use the handheld machine in the box above and help shape my face to a V shape!

and that’s pretty much it!  


Tada! Magical! 

Note: The V shape face is not because of the face expressions I gave. Even if it is, it wouldn’t be so prominent at this angle. 


Moving on, here’s the Outfit which I have been wearing on that day (and which having been peeking out whenever I took a narcissistic picture of myself)

Psst. If you like to see more of my #OOTD or #OOTW do head over to my Instagram HERE and follow me! 


After the facial is done, it’s time for some refreshments! and I am STARVED! We had Kabobs, Satays and Beef patties on a Stick! (As mentioned, I was starving and so, no pictures of the food)

Right before we go, we were each given a goodie bag filled with samples for use to try and a full Size bottle of the new P.Antarctica 77 Cream! 

Psst. You can get your free P.Antarctica 77 Cream starter kit here:

(Limited to 1st 300 redemptions commencing from 23rd September 2013)

Honeyz Cube x HKCplaza Pamper Party! (Blogger event)

Once again huge thanks to these people which allow this to happen (So go over to their websites now and support them!) [Just click on their names] :


HoneyzCube Facebook

HoneyzCube Cube Store


Nail’s D’vine

Nail’s D’vine Street Directory

Nail’s D’vine Facebook


HKC Plaza

HKC Plaza Facebook


Note: If you like the place in the pictures, here’s the address:

Nail’s D’vine

Blk 26 Dempsey Road


Singapore 249686

You can check out any of Nail’s D’vine treatment prices from their main website or their Street Directory website! (You can also host an event there!)


Psst. I will be reviewing the P.Antarctica Cream so stay tune for that!

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