It’s hard to remember all those little bits and pieces you need to pick up before going on honeymoon – from those books you’ve been meaning to read to a new flash card for your camera and that all-important suntan lotion – so, to make things a little bit easier, I’m pleased and excited to announce The Honeymoon Project‘s brand new shop, run in association with Amazon. From after-sun and dry shampoo to travel pillows and ipods, we’ve got it covered. Most of these items are either my own personal recommendations (such as this book and this water bottle) or things other people have recommended me (including this suntan lotion), so you can rest assured that they’ve earned The Honeymoon Project‘s stamp of approval.
You can access the shop at any point by clicking link in the right-hand sidebar. I’ll be continually adding items to the shop as I come across them, and of course if you have any particular recommendations then do let me know.