Dining Out Magazine

Homemake Waffle Using Happycall Waffle Pan

By Dariel

My sister had given me the happycall waffle pan as my birthday present last year December and I finally tried using the pan last Sunday to make the waffle. With the leftover of the mandarin oranges, I had used them to go along with the waffle and maple syrup.  This is so fun as this is my first time making waffle and it is not that difficult as I have thought.

Tips for using HappyCall Waffle Pan

  • Ensure that the HappyCall Waffle Pan is heated up before pouring the batter.
  • Preheating the top and bottom plates over a medium heat for 30 seconds.
  • It is necessary to put some amount of butter and oil to spread on the surface of the pan so that the waffle can be easily taken out from the pan after cook. ( I had used cooking oil spray.)
  • Pour reasonable of batter until it reaches the top of waffle frame.
  • Close the top pan as you pour a mix and flip the pan immediately for a min or long. Then flip the other side of the pan over again for a minute and thirty seconds long.
  • The heating leverage must be always used over a medium heat during cook.

Happy Call Waffle Pan


Waffle With Maple Syrup

I am still experimenting the perfect recipe for the waffle and will share on my blog soon. Stay tune!


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