Food & Drink Magazine

Homemade Flour Tortillas

By Cookingfromasahm
Homemade Flour TortillasHomemade Flour Tortillas
I decided I wanted to try homemade tortillas....So yesterday I created them. They are easy and I froze them. 
2 Cups of Flour3/4 C Water1 Tsp Salt1 T Olive Oil1 1/2 Baking Powder
In a bowl combine all the ingredients and mix them till its a non sticky dough. Get a damp cloth and put it over the dough for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes, separate it into 6 balls. Take a ball and flatten out it out till its thin. Take a skillet and heat it up dry. Put the flattened tortilla in it and heat it up will it has some blistering spots. Flip over for 30 seconds. Till the other side gets the same. Do this to the remaining dough. To freeze, wrap the cooled tortillas in plastic wrap and put into a freezer bag. 
This weekend I plan to tackle the non baking powder tortillas. 

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