Books Magazine

Homemade Brunch: Choc and Strawberry French Toast

By Clo Hutch @lashesoflife

Weekend Brunch (2)We regularly now have weekend brunch together in the flat, me putting myself in charge – I love getting creative in the kitchen when I can and the weekend is the perfect time and excuse to have something delicious for breakfast.

Having recently been to Bill’s restaurant for a work meeting, where I had French toast, it gave me some great inspiration to recreate a dish like this at home. My own version, Chloe’s creation.

French toast, or as I used to know it – eggy bread – is really simple, yet tasty and filling. Mixing the egg with a little cream and some sweetness makes it all the more indulgent, and there are so many toppings you can choose from or try out, it’s a great breakfast dish to get creative with.

Ingredients for Chloe’s version (serves 2):

Weekend Brunch (3)
Weekend Brunch (4)
5 eggs

1tbsp. Single/double cream

Vanilla essence

Maple syrup

4 slices of bread, cut in half (I love using Caribbean sweet bread, but you can use any)


2 bananas

10 strawberries

Bacon lardons

Milk chocolate (100g)


Preheat the oven to 220 degrees and line a square crockery dish with baking paper. Alternatively you can fry your French toast. 

Crack the eggs into a glass/bowl and beat. Stir in the cream, a drizzle of vanilla essence and a little maple syrup (I used about 2-3tsp).

In a large mixing bowl, soak the bread in the egg mixture. Leave to stand for five minutes to allow the mixture to soak in.

Place the bread slices into the crockery dish, and pour over the remainder of the egg mixture. 

Weekend Brunch (5)
Place the crockery dish in the center of the oven. Whilst the French toast is baking, prepare the toppings.

Cut the tops off the strawberries, and quarter. Fry off the bacon lardons, and finally slice the banana in half lengthways. 

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Melt the milk chocolate slowly, either in a bowl over boiling water in a saucepan, or carefully in the microwave, until runny. 
Weekend Brunch (6)
The French toast should take roughly 10 minutes. You’ll know when it’s cooked as it will be golden brown, slightly crispy on the outside.

To serve, place the bread slices in a pile, position the banana on the other side of the plate, sprinkle bacon and strawberries over the French toast moving out towards the edge of the dish, and drizzle in milk chocolate. You could also put a dollop of strawberry jam on the plate too – I love this extra touch!

Ta da!

The boys (housemates) thought I was going to bring out a couple pieces of toast, so you can imagine their faces  when I delivered this! 

Weekend Brunch (1)
I’d love to know what you think if you make it! What’s you pr favorite homemade brunch?

Chloe xx

Homemade Brunch: Choc and Strawberry French Toast

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