Made a quick video about training at home without any equipment. Sometimes you just have to find 5 minutes to maintain some level of strength & fitness!
A quick disclaimer – some of these chest exercises do place a lot of strain on the elbows and shoulders, and back hyperextension can aggrevate or even cause disc problems, so exercise at your own risk. Having said that however, this workout is pretty good for strength & flexibility. I would highly recommend raising your body temperature with a good warm up before starting.
Chest Workout Warm Up
Ideally get a bit of a sweat on. I’d normally go for a walk carrying my son/baby but didn’t get chance today, so I did some bodyweight squats and shoulder exercises to warm up.
- Press Ups from Knees x 1 set
- Press Ups – Normal Form – keep elbows tucked in x 2 sets of 10-20 reps
Working Exercises/Sets
- Hindu Press Ups x 2 sets of 8-12 reps
- Downward Facing Dog Tricep Press x 2 sets of max reps
- Plyometric Clap Press Ups x 2 sets of 6 reps
- Bridge Pose x 1 set of max hold
Here it is, in a nice table
Chest Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
Press Ups from Knees 2 10
Press Ups 2 15
Hindu Press Ups 2 8-12
Down Dog Presses 2 8-12
Clap Plyo Press Ups 2 6
Bridge Pose 1 Hold max time
Download as a pdf here: