Community Magazine

Hollywood Wax Museum Pigeon Forge

By Matthewspuzzle @matthewspuzzle

King Kong

One of the most fun places I visited while in Pigeon Forge (#PigeonForge) during #Brandcation was the Hollywood Wax Museum. I wasn’t really sure what to expect and I have to confess that before we got there I really didn’t think I would get in to it. But I was so wrong.

Tyler Durden

Almost immediately we saw Indiana Jones and I had to get a picture with “him”. But I was sure that was the end of it. No other wax figure was going to get me to stand there and act so silly. Yeah, wrong again! Next I saw Nicholas Cage, and although he was not decked out as Big Daddy in Kick Ass, I still had to get a photo with his likeness. Yep, it just kept happening. I found myself getting picture after picture with Forest Gump, Jason Bourne, and Tyler Durden! And really, how could I pass up a photo op with HellBoy? Or the Crypt Keeper from Tales from the Crypt? I was just having way too much fun.

Hollywood Wax Museum Pigeon Forge

I even took a trip to the roof to get a close up of King Kong. The Hollywood Wax Museum in Pigeon Forge is a really fun place and I wish I had had more time to browse their gift shop because I think they had some of the most memorable souvenirs, but I was late for my date to go zip lining.

Star Trek

While at #Brandcation I was provided with a free ticket to the Hollywood Wax Museum in exchange for this review. All opinions are my own.

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