About a year ago I came across this fascinating site Historypin, it’s a place where you can browse and add historic photographs to the geographic location they were taken. But it’s much more than that…
People from all over the world are coming together both online and offline to share their memories and create a global historical archive.

Historypin is run by We Are What We Do who are not for profit looking to make positive change to the world by changing small behaviours through their creations. You can find out more from their CEO Nick Stanhope…
Do you have any old pictures hidden away? Then it’s time to get pinning!
Get your friends, family, community together and start talking about your shared and independent histories. Then share them with the world. History has the power to start some incredible conversations, but then if you’re reading this blog you probably already know that.
To stay updated you can…
follow them on twitter @Historypin
& like them on Facebook facebook.com/historypin
They also have an app for download
I’ve kept todays post reasonably short – every moment you’re reading this post you could be exploring Historypin, I found their Tours and Collections a good place to start the adventure.