First of all, let me greet every one a Ramadhan Mubarak. How's fasting, so far? As for me, I am quite busy taking care of my mother. It is a huge test since I am the only one taking care of her 24/7. Please include my mother's recovery in your duas. Jazakillah.
Moving on, for today's blog entry, I wanna share some formal dresses online that can be hijabified. They are so beautiful that you just want to wear them but unfortunately cannot because they show skin. However, we, hijabis, are so dang creative that we can hijabify just about everythaaang on the planet!

This dress is so princessy perfect that all it needs are full sleeves that are also embellished with crystals on the wrist area. You match it with a hijab that is one shade darker and you are ready to go.

Who doesn't love black and white? I know, we all do for the fact that this hues can easily be mixed and matched with other colours. For the dress above, be sure to change the cloth at the back to something opaque yet comfy. Japanese cotton is actually recommended! Extend the sleeves too! I can only imagine how perfect it would be for any formal occasion.

When we talk of mastery of playing with cloth, the dress above is a winner! Just look at the design on the upper body, perfect! Cover the neck, drop the one strap and extend the sleeves!

This dress above is my most favorite. For a lady who love laces, the intricacy of the details of this dress is to-die-for! How about we extend the sleeves fully with the same cloth as the upper body? Ma sha Allah. This dress would be a perfect wedding gown with a twist! Get away from the usual boring white wedding gowns. Be creative! :)
I've shared with you some of the formal dresses Sydney I found on the web. If you loved this post, please share it to your friends and family!
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