Fashion Magazine

High and Low Kind of Love

By Kaidarul @KaiDarul
High Low Love I know that I will not be able to wear any kind of high-low skirts or dresses for the fact that it’s kind of short. Though, you can always wear leggings or pants inside, the effect is not at all the same.  There are kinds of fashion items that I will never get to wear, but I do appreciate the beauty in each of designer’s creations. Sexy types of clothings are a big NO in my wardrobe. Modesty is the rule of the house. And I do not regret anything at all. I love this kind of fashion – modest. I love looking for ways to hijabify anything I wear. That’s why even though I sometimes buy cheap sexy clothes, I make sure that I can turn it into a modest one. Otherwise, I won’t buy anything that will contradict my faith and beliefs. We all have something we deeply abide to. No matter how the world tells us what we should believe in, we stick to our principles because we know that it’s the best for us. That’s just how I feel about my clothes. Though there are things said about my putting on of makeup, I am happy that I am able to show the world the beauty of this belief. Btw, before I end this post, how do you find my new theme? I worked on this for two hours. :) Thanks to Tamara for the base theme.

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