Nov 3, 2012 by Tatianna

Hello My Lovies,
I’m a bit late with the workout this week, but I’m here I’m here

Tomorrow I will be posting a new challenge as well, it’s going to be called Bum and Thighs of Steel, and it will last 4 weeks.
Now, you already know the drill, make sure to always do a warm-up before beginning to exercise, and practice your form in the mirror before every workout.
Workout Explanation
For those of you who is new to Loving Fit, I suggest to check out ” Creating Your Workout Plan” post, this will help you to put your schedule together no matter what fitness level you are at.
In this routine I was using a sandbag ( it’s about 40 lbs ), a single 10 lbs weight, and my Gymboss timer.
Make sure to watch workout recap part of the video, for proper explanation of each exercise.
Set your timer as a stopwatch. Complete 3 rounds of the following with the proper form:
- Side Lunge & 3 Knee Ups – 16 reps total ( each side lunge and 3 knee ups counts as 1 rep )
- Sandbag Jump Lunges – 30 reps
- Weighted Sliding Side Jump-ups – 40 reps
- Weighted Squat Pulse – 30 reps
My time for this workout was 29 minutes and 34 seconds.
Have Fun Training my Darlings!!!
Many Hugs,
PS – Check out my latest article for ” How To Treat Insomnia Naturally ”
I also decided to add this video to all of the posts where we are using lunges or squats, because this is very important video to prevent you from injuring your self.
How not to squat with a sandbag ( so make sure you don’t place the sandbag on top of your shoulders in the back )