Community Magazine

Heart Letter

By Uglytruthis

Entangled in your web of lies is demise. These words rip through a lonely heart.

Dear heart,
You deserve better than playing these games. Than believing the lies you were programmed to believe.

Allowing your love to go cold. love which was all used up over and over again.

You built these walls to protect. From the bad yet also the good can not break through the bars. Of iron sturdy and unyielding.

Spiraling out of control. Searching for something to fill the cracks within.

You are worthy of love. You are capable of a better future. Let go of the deep-rooted hate you feel towards yourself and the innocence that was lost. The shame you carry so heavy on your shoulders.

Walk away from the abuse and don’t look back. Look towards the hope of a new beginning. Of forgiving the things you will never be able to change.

It feels as if you have lost all. In moment of desperation I can hear your soft call. I will try to be more gentile with you each and every day.

You are no mistake

to the mending heart


Stay strong <3 you are not alone

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