Humor Magazine

"He Should Have Gone to SpecSavers"!

By Davidduff

I suppose I should have saved this for my Monday morning 'funny' but I couldn't resist telling you all now.  Does this man look a tad surprised to you?

I should say so because this elderly Belgian gentleman has just discovered that his 48-year old wife of 19 years is - a man - mon DieuAccording to The Daily Caller:

After 19 years of marriage, “I feel I’ve been assaulted,” he told a Belgian newspaper, Het Nieuwsblad.

“I thought she was an attractive woman, all woman… [and] even during sex, I never noticed anything,” said the 64 year-old man.

At this point I succumbed to severe mind-boggling but the story continued:

The deception unraveled after the transsexual began frequenting nightclubs and getting emails from other men.


He’s now trying to annul his marriage to his 48-year old male “wife,” but a local court has yet to decide the case. They’re still living together.

The pseudo-wife underwent a sex change before he entered Belgium illegally, and worked as a nanny for the man and his first wife.

But the plot sickens thickens:

The man fell for the nanny, divorced his wife and got a marriage license for the male-nanny, and then fought Belgium’s immigration authorities to win residency for his new “wife.”

Anyway, I'm off to check the 'Memsahib' over, obviously you can't be too careful these days!

H/T to I Hate The Media - who else?!


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