Hair & Beauty Magazine

Happy New Year! It’s Been 1 Year Plus Since I Started...

By Ireviewuread
Happy New year! It’s been 1 year plus since I started...

Happy New year! It’s been 1 year plus since I started IreviewUread! With that said, here’s a 2013 IreviewUread rewind!

There’s just so much to touch about! From attending my first blogger event to doing my first ever food review, IreviewUread definitely helped open my eyes to new and quirky things! I’m not going to touch on much details here but what I’m saying is, I glad I made this impulsive decision to start up this website a year ago.

Next, the thank you part: I would like to give a huge thanks to all my past sponsors especially for those who helped me for IreviewUread’s 1st anniversary & my 18th B-day giveaway! Without you guys, I doubt if the giveaway would have happen as successfully as it did!  Next, the organizers for the blogger events! Being an intern in an event company, I realized that planning an event is hard work therefore a huge thank you for those who invited me to your event! It was definitely a memorable and unique experience for each and every event be it, it’s big scale or not.

Finally, a huge thanks to all my readers! Without you guys reading my posts, I doubt I would get to where I am right now! Thank you for withstanding my extremely irregular posting habits and thank you for supporting my Facebook page and tumblr! Be it you are in Singapore or all the way around the world, I just like to say 1 thing; I ❤ ALL OF YOU!

That’s pretty much the end of IreveiwUread rewind!

Thank you and do continue to support IreviewUread!:

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Next, on 2014! As mentioned in THIS & THIS post, I will be bringing to you my GYM adventures review and after that, some cafe hopping adventures! In the meantime, check out my Instagram feed at the side for sneak peek of what I will posting!

More reviews of beauty products, food, events and all sort of things coming up so stay tune and have a GREAT YEAR AHEAD!

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