Lifestyle Magazine

Happy New Year!

By Laura @BEBookworm

Happy New Year folks! 2015 is brand spanking new today. I know I have been MIA for a couple months but new year, new start, new design! (Thanks Chad).

I thought I’d start of by telling you what I have been up to the past two months. First off, NaNoWriMo in November. I can happily say that I finished 50,000 words in 30 days! My story, Matriarchy, is alas, still not finished. It will take much more than 50,000 words for me to finish the story, but I’m just taking a breather before jumping back into it, although it will be slower going and less words per day than during NaNoWriMo. With a bit of editing, I might even let other people read this one. I really could not have done it without the support of my friends who were also participating and who also finished their novels. So proud of all of us!

Other noteworthy November events would be getting my Lucy pencil skirt from Vaute Couture, becoming engrossed in the Serial podcast, Chad loving his new job at Tori’s Bakeshop (and me enjoying lots of goodies), and I march in downtown Toronto for Fur Free Friday.

Happy new Year

December was filled with reading the last two books in the Wheel of Time series, marching in downtown Toronto AGAIN, this time for the Eric Garner Solidarity Rally, baking cookies and spending time with my family over the holidays.


So that’s that. I’m back and here to stay I hope. Tomorrow I will do a more rounded look back at 2014. see you then!


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