I talk nonstop about beauty products on my blog, but what I forget to do is talk about what I really love most in life, and that is animals. In particular, one animal that goes by the name of Oscar or as my mother in law likes to call him "King Oscar". lol.
He is my best friend, my baby, and the one constant thing in my life that can always bring a smile to my face no matter what I'm going through.
Meet Oscar everyone :)
About Oscar:* 3 year old Pomeranian malepossibly American eskimo in there but the vet classified him as a pom
* Loves foodYes all dogs love food, but his appetite is ferocious
* Playing with my socks After the dryer, Oscar is the main reason why I have a billion missing socks
* Is a bit anti-social, but he warms up to people after awhile
* Loves to sleep on my pillow in the morning, even if it means sleeping right on top of my head :)
I'd love to see your furry friends, please leave a comment about your babies xx