I'm not sure when these kinds of nights will dwindle away, but I do know that it's been a while since I have been able to completely sleep through the night. The night before that it was the dog - she was crying under our bed because she was thirsty, poor puppy. She is old (almost 14) and doesn't make it up and down the stairs on her own very well these days. It breaks my heart! I brought her downstairs and gave her some water and after that I had such trouble falling back asleep that I wound up just starting my day earlier than normal.
With three young kids and an aging doggy, sleep just isn't very consistent for me right now, and hasn't been for a decade. I guess us mommas just get used to it, right?!
When my alarm went off just before 5AM today I could hear the raindrops falling outside. I looked at my phone and already had texts from both of my running partners telling me they were not going to be me meeting me this morning, they would be taking their workouts indoors today. I went back to sleep and finally motivated myself to get out of bed a little after 5:30. As I tiptoed across the hall I heard Will call for me. He was up and really excited about a project he is working on, making me flashcards with instructions and diagrams about how to play chess. I better learn because this kid is serious about teaching me!
The two of us went downstairs and he sat at the kitchen table working on it while I made my coffee and slugged around, trying to talk myself into running outside alone on a cold wet morning. Just as I was about to go upstairs to put my running clothes on, Abby came downstairs. By now it was getting close to 6am. I looked at the clock and felt a little stressed. How was I going to get myself out the door for 8-10 rainy miles and be home by 7:45 to get to Girls Running Club just before 8:00? I would probably have to shorten my run, and that would have to be okay. Abby and Will wanted breakfast so I took care of making it for them before heading up the stairs.
As I approached the top of the stairs I heard Gus - "Mommy?" - his sweet voice asking for me. I peaked my head into his room and he said "YES!" pulling his fists into his waist like he had just hit the jackpot. He was sitting up in his bed with the cutest, biggest smile on his face. Gus is the best snuggler ever, and it is pretty much something he wants to do 24/7. He asked me if I had run yet and I said "no Buddy, not yet" and climbed into bed with him for 5 minutes of cuddles. His warm body wrapped around me felt so good and made it really hard for me to get out of bed! I had a busy morning ahead though, and wanted to get my run in ... but losing a mile or two to have time like this with him was really worth it for both of us. I finally made it out the door for my run at a little after 6:30 - enough time for 7 miles. The weather was actually perfect - a light drizzly rain and around 40 degrees. It was peaceful and the air felt clean and clear to me. I was glad I was out there.
As soon as I got home I quickly changed my clothes and Abby and I were out the door for Girls Running Club! I am coaching Abby and about 20 other girls from her elementary school for a local 5k race at the end of April. I coach the girls every Friday, and my friend Karen coaches them on Mondays. Robert goes to work a little later than usual on Fridays and takes the boys to school for me so that I can coach the girls. I am so thankful that he does this, and so many other things, to support me and our family. We are a good team.
Today my plan was to have the girls do some hill repeats. They did an amazing job and I was so proud of each one of them! We ran about a half mile to the base of a hill on our trail and then I had them do 4-6 repeats. We talked about how to run the hill, about form, effort and breathing. The 5k course they are running next month is hilly and Karen and I really want the girls to feel prepared for that. It was a great day to do this because the trail was pretty quiet with the weather being so icky. I am so in awe of these girls and have so much fun coaching them!

We finished up just before 9AM and I quickly ran home to change and get Will's school project for him (he forgot to bring it to school with him!). I zipped by the school (it is down the street from my house, thank goodness) and then rushed to work to teach at 9:30AM. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and hoped I didn't smell too bad :) I taught Pilates until noon (two classes and a private session with a wonderful client) and then picked Gus up from school. We got home, I inhaled my lunch and then - finally - took a shower. I got some chores done around the house and now Gus and I are cuddling in bed watching a movie as I write this. I'm so thankful to have reached this point in the day. We have a couple of hours together just the two of us before we get the big kids from school.
Halfway through Friday and I feel like I've really packed it in. Tonight my awesome nephew is babysitting for us (the kids are SO excited!) so that Robert and I can go to "Yoga on Tap" - an evening of vinyasa flow yoga and beer! - with some friends at our gym. I can't wait for our date, and am looking forward to the weekend ahead.
One step at a time, I know that my little family and I will pack it all in just like we always do. We will make room for all of our responsibilities, our activities, and our passions.
And most of all, we will always make room for snuggles with one another.
I hope everyone is having a great Friday!