As you can see from above I have quite fine hair but loads of it! This means my hair is prone to becoming quite flat especially around the crown unless I use a few tricks to up the volume. Here are a few products and tricks I use to achieve a voluminous low ponytail.

The first thing I do is spray sections of my hair using Umberto Giannini Backcomb in a Bottle. This stuff is great it smells just like a Thierry Mugler fragrance and the scent lingers in the hair for hours. You can find this at most Coles across Australia.

Then I section out the front parts of my hair and using Scunci Hair Lifting Comb* I backcomb each section until enough volume is achieved. I love how this comb has a double layer of bristles which make back combing really easy and quick.

This is the result I am left with.... not overly voluminous but just enough volume for my liking. I hate the feeling of my hair slicked right to my head!

Lastly I use the Scunci Volume and Lift* hair volume builder to give me just a little more lift around my crown. Just lift up a section of hair around your crown and slide in the hair volume builder. Make sure you have enough hair covering the inserted piece so it's not on show. Then I just secure my hair into a low ponytail and hey presto you're done!