A few weeks ago, I had a wee rant about my MIL. Yes, I did do the whole toss-issue-in-my-head, wondering if I should blog about it. Then I decided that heck, what is the whole point of blogging and all that fine and dandy blogger motto stuff about staying true to self & blog when I can’t even have a quick rant about something. Of course, some sensitivity tossed in the mixture would still be good. If I knew my MIL read my blog, it would have been a no-go on the blog because my intention was not to hurt/offend/embarrass.
So anyway, a couple weeks after Director Me gave the go-ahead for said drama to go on-air… there was a turn around of sorts.
MIL sent me text messages and apologised about any unhappiness she caused (my husband had previously brought up the issue) and said that she does care about all her grandkids the same and that she is sorry she never really had a relationship with me. She even said she was going to put in effort to have a relationship with me and stay in touch with our little family. She also shared that it was difficult having 2 sons and she did not want to appear as an “overbearing” MIL to her sons’ partners.
Needless to say, my heart turned to mush and I flooded her with text messages that said “Oh please don’t apologise!” “I understand, I understand” and “It’s ok, nobody is perfect”.
Obviously I am no saint. Neither am I very abundant in the area of grace (if I was, I would not have even cared to be offended in the first place). But at the end of the day, I am keen to make peace and not war. Afterall, my mom always says: “better to have an extra friend than an enemy”.
I’m still no huge fan of MIL honestly. But I do understand that there are always 2 sides to a story. I am sure she has hers and her story is valid and to be respected in its own way. And so, I have had to dig out a little ounce of grace in me to make peace and not war. And I have to give my MIL some credit for reaching out and making an effort. Afterall, it’s never easy to say sorry and share your thoughts with someone else. Yesterday, she even sent me a text and asked when my birthday was!
Here’s to better days, better ways, better relationships. What is there to lose anyway?
Linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT!