Tech Magazine

Google+ Corporate Accounts

Posted on the 21 July 2011 by Jesusmsanchezl @JesusmSanchezl

Ford in Google+Google+ is running out tests for their coporate accounts after many business applied to be part of it. Christian Oestlian announced in one of his posts that the application form will be closed on July 15th. Moreover, this week the diverse partners for the test period will be announced.

One of the coolest things about this test plans is the interest that was shown upon thousands of companies that applied to be part of this tests. Oestlian commented about this :

To the thousands upon thousands of businesses that applied to be a part: THANK YOU! We won’t be able to accommodate everyone, but your interest has got us very focused on accelerating our development plans.

The corporate accounts are an important part of the social networks. Facebook and Twitter already provide this option to the companies, so Google is not creating something new. But that doesn’t mean that it is not exciting at all. Christian Oestlian said that the corporate accounts will be launched later this year.

A corporate presence in social networks is necessary. Interactions involving companies and consumers like customer support, recommendations coming from friends and others are the important keys that will help companies to promote their brand across the network and that will be, in my opinión, the most important thing in the long run.

So far I have seen Ford Motor Company in Google+ and this is how it looks like.

Ford Motors in Google+

The interest of the people and companies to be in Google+ has made it grow a lot in a short time period. Although, Google is not offering anything new, it is providing an alternative to Facebook or Twitter and that is being valued.

So what do you think? Companies on Google+ are important or will just mess a lot with our Streams? Feel free to leave a comment.

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