Fitness Magazine

Goal Talk: 5 Sleeps Til Harvest Half

By Khourianya @khourianya
OMG where did this summer go?  In the blink of an eye - all of that time between Calgary Marathon and Harvest Half has suddenly flashed by!
Do I think my training has been particularly stellar for this race?   Well, it started off pretty good.  I had a solid month and a half of great training.  Hills. Speed. Strong long runs.  I was also coming off of new PBs in both 5K & 10K races this spring.  I figured nothing could get me down.
But then I fell out of a hammock and that screwed me up until my calf had healed.  Then I pushed it on back to back 10k races and hurt my fibula and ended up with knee pain.  I've taken some rest time and sever chiro visits and that seems to be handled.  Then, a half marathon that ended up being 25K (and filled with chafe)... Then, this morning, I woke up with a huge bump and bruise on my inner left ankle where I don't recall any trauma taking place.  The world appears to be conspiring against me.
Let's just say August and September have sucked for training.  My speed isn't where I'd like it to be.  My endurance isn't where I'd like it to be.  I'm not feeling like I am on track to meet my 2:15 goal, though maybe Saturday will surprise me.  I know my combined race times in my back to back 10ks are on track for a 2:15-2:17 half...
So with less than a week to go - I figured it was time to start laying out a few goals for Saturday...
 Goal A:   2:15   Goal B:   Sub-2:19:18 and a new PB for me.   Goal C:   Under 2:26 - this would have me beat last years time in this race. 
 Goal D:   Just Finish (I'm hoping it doesn't come to this...) 
I think I have 2:15 hidden in me somewhere and I hope it will show it's face on this race.  I certainly plan to give it my all.  Part of me wants to leave my Garmin at home, but I know that running naked just doesn't work for me.  If I can meet Goal B - I think I'll be very happy.  Not 2:15 happy...but a new PB would be a great way to wrap up the year.
I still need to figure out my outfit for this race too.  As few annoyances as possible is that goal.  I want to wear my magic pants, but after Loop Around The Lake, I am a bit scared about the potential chafing.  Chances are, I'll be wearing a tank and possibly a longsleeve over top.
I'm also thinking that I know a heck of a lot of people running this race.  Is anyone up for a tweetup/meetup?  Maybe coffee after the race?
Are you running Harvest Half?

Are you going into it with any goals this year?

Are you up for a tweetup/meetup after? 

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