This is the Glossy box im sure many of you have seen it already it comes in this box with the crown sign all over it.
Then inside is this pink box with the crown sign in the middle the box is very sturdy and can be used to store all your make up!
Then when you open the box it has black tissue paper with a little crown sticker tied with a ribbon with the little card underneath which tells you whats in your box and just a little note
Once you have opened it this is what i got all nicely set out protected by black curly paper bits. WHAT I GOTIllamasqua powdered metal in etherUltra sun face 30ciate nail enamel in skinny jeans 022orla kiely eau de parfum weleda pomegranate body oilIm very pleased with my box i think i will use everything maybe not the face sun cream but im sure my partner might lol!