Here's something a little different today;
For many years I suffered with anxiety & depression, I am happily open & honest about this because it's helped make me the stronger, wiser & happier person I am today. So for todays post I'm taking part in 'getting artsy for anxiety' a collaboration with molly at Lyons Notes and some other fab bloggers, who together hope to raise awareness & get people talking about anxiety & mental health.
We're each posting a nail art to reflect our personalities, I opted for a wise owl design symbolising that through everything I've been through in my life I have become a lot wiser, and may I add its a rather cute pink owl to show my girlie side :p

Here is a step by step tutorial of my nail design if your fancy giving it a go.

''People in general tend to have this misconception that mental illnesses, whether it be anxiety, depression, schizophrenia etc. are all something to be embarassed about, something to sweep under the bed and to try and ignore. However, you're not alone, 1 in 4 people will suffer from mental illness in a year. Mental illnesses, when left to manifest will strip a person of their personalities, and leave you feeling as if you're a shell of your former self. This is why it's important to raise awareness of mental health, to let people know they're not alone and always have someone to talk to. #GettingArtyForAnxiety is a way of expressing your own personalities, and to raise awareness for mental illness whether you're a sufferer yourself, or a family member."
if you'd like to get involved please pop over to Molly's blog; where many more bloggers are taking part & will be posting over the next few weeks.