I was going to make a potato salad, but then I had a butter better idea:
Drown little baby potatoes in garlic butter.
Crushed garlic + Butter + Salt + Black Pepper = GB
Boil a potful of baby potatoes on med/high heat in salted water.
There’s more garlic inside the cup that you cannot see here, just so we’re clear that it’s not just hints of garlic. More like Vampire Apocalypse.
Warm until butter melts and garlic aroma permeates your very being. Resist urge to drink from cup.
Pour (not drizzle, that suggests moderation) over a baby potato.
So buttery, so garlicy, so salty and carby. The perfect combination of food adjectives but it’s missing….
Creamy! Add a dollop of sour cream (and chives). Help. Me.
Take #16
Now pile the rest onto a plate, drenching each layer with GB before adding the next. Cut a cross and squeeze them a bit, so the GB will be absorbed and not just roll off the skin.
If only I had thought to stick this tower into the oven for 20 – 30 mins, that would’ve added ‘so crispy’ to my beloved list.
You could also use the GB on skewered veg & chicken.
And toss onto the fire.
I’d like to quote Nigella: ‘I’m a great believer in fat. My view is that you moisturize from the inside.’
Thanks for reading