FUN FACT FRIDAY Today's information comes from
Education -
"The typical school year runs from January to October. Education is free at the primary level for all children. According to UNICEF, 78 percent of students reach the fifth grade.Rwandans view education as the only way for a hopeful future for their children, and parents are concerned about their children's education. Rwanda's educated live in towns, while the non-educated live in remote areas, often in situations of extreme poverty.While the government has introduced free education at the primary level, most parents cannot provide the materials for children to go to school, including paper and school uniforms. "Religion - "Disputes between religious groups are rare. The Rwandan Constitution provides for freedom of religion; however, while the government generally respects this right in practice, it fails to prevent local authorities from abusing or restricting religious freedoms. There is no state religion.The law provides for small fines and imprisonment of up to six months for anyone who interferes with a religious ceremony or with a minister in the exercise of his or her professional duties. The law regulates public meetings and calls for fines or imprisonment for those who violate these regulations.The government permits religious instruction in public schools. In some cases, students are given a choice between instruction in "religion" or "morals." In the past, missionaries established schools that were operated by the government. In those schools, religious instruction tends to reflect the denomination of the founders, either Catholic or Protestant. Muslim private schools operate as well. "Food - "Rwandans eat bananas, legumes, sweet potatoes, maize, cassava and potatoes.Sorghum Porridge5 cups water
5 Tb. sugar
1 cup sorghum flour*
1 cup milkPut four cups of water into a saucepan. Put the sorghum flour in a bowl mixed with one cup of cold water. Stir until the flour and water are mixed. Pour the mixture in boiled water and stir immediately so it will not become lumpy. Continue to stir until it boils again. Let boil 15 minutes. Put in sugar and milk. Serves six."Language - Here are some words in Rwanda's official language, Kinyarwanda. Some Compassion children in Rwanda also speak French or English.KinyarwandaMwaramutse. (Good morning.)
Bite? (How are you?)
Muraho (Hello)
Witwande? (What's your name?)
Nitwa ... (My name is ...)
Murakoze. (Thank you.)

All information for this post came from