This will be simple there isn’t a video just yet, just a simple step by step photo. The instructions aren’t too wordy either because I know your time is precious. To most women with naturally smaller or thinner lips this post may be of some value. There are ways of “cheating” the natural appearance of your lips and you can give the illusion of fuller, plumper, more symmetrical (thus more pretty) lips. A brown or beige lipliner close to the shade of your natural lips would work well, like in my case and most medium shade girls NYX Nude Beige lipliner would be your best bet for naturally corrected lips for daytime. I looked for something like this after seeing how the Pixiwoo sisters correct their lips or make them fuller using MAC Stone lip pencil, this is a good, more affordable dupe for that.

Most important though is that you get color on the first swipe and you can easily build it up. This looks light here but that’s its natural shade which is close to my own lips and that’s how I want it. Now here’s a quick guide on how to line your lips. If you’re aiming to make them look fuller/bigger you don’t line within or inside your natural lip edge, you line exactly on (like between) or outside the edge between your lips and your facial skin. That is called “overdrawing” the lip line. A lot of celebrities do this. The guidelines are on the photo.

Once you’ve lined the entire lip it’s best to “color in” a little bit from the edge towards the center of your lip still using the pencil going lighter towards the center. That way when your lipstick or gloss fades before you retouch you’re not left with an unsightly horrid outline. When you’re done you can finish with your favorite daytime lipgloss, neutral, or nude lipstick.

Here’s a video example of overdrawn lips where Sam of Pixiwoo does a beautiful Pamela Anderson look. Her lips go vavavoom! It’s important to remember that if you’re darker than me you may have to go for a darker, neutral brown.