Health Magazine

Friday Spotlight

Posted on the 12 February 2010 by Hippofatamus @hippofatamus
Every Friday I spotlight a blog with something that touches me or inspires me.
Today I am putting the spotlight on "Robs" over at Death By Lettuce
She battled thyroid cancer for almost 5 years, begining when she was young. At just 21 she was diagnosed. Over the course of her 5 year fight she had many side effect related surgeries like one for a collapsed/dry tear duct, and one to repair a damaged vocal chord (seems odd to some but for some thyca's they are hard side effects of treatment)
She just couldn't catch a break and had to accept the fact that for her this disease is chronic and not a just a cancer with a quick fix.
I hit her blog today and read the news. Just 5 days shy of what she, (and many others) refer to as, her 5th cancerversary...
SHE'S A SURVIVOR!!!!!! Congratulations girl! You did it! Read her words as she announces it on her blog.
Go share the love and congratulate her on her life changing news!
Friday spotlight

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