Hair & Beauty Magazine

Friday Musings…

By Blessmybag @blessmybag

Hi, Everyone.  The person that is me is still here!  Slowly getting the blogging thing back together.  While I just haven’t quite got everything on the inside sorted just yet, I just wanted to let you all know I am here and I have no intention to stop beauty blogging okay :)  This stays!  If you haven’t read my recent mention in my NYC post I’ve just been having to go through certain difficult situations without sticking thoughts of beauty stuff in there along with it.  It’s challenging to shoot, blog, and post with something weighing on your mind and heart, but God is faithful to slowly turn around every single thing in ways you cannot imagine.  I continue to trust in Him completely, for joy, peace, love and everything I ever need, even when things go wrong sometimes.

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“The sweetest thing in all my life has been the longing — to reach the Mountain, to find the place where all the beauty came from — my country, the place where I ought to have been born.  Do you think it all meant nothing, all the longing? The longing for home?  For indeed it now feels not like going, but like going back.”
― C.S. Lewis, Till We Have Faces

If the C.S. Lewis quote doesn’t drive home anything specific or relevant for you that’s okay, if it does, then cool, we’re on the same page, if not I don’t expect everyone to completely get it, but I really just wanted to post it.  Till We Have Faces is a heavy but beautiful read, and I shed tears years ago.  I still owe you guys the announcement of the giveaway winner and prizes, and that should be coming up next.  Thanks for being patient dear readers, those who are particularly waiting in the wings to read the next bunch of beauty posts coming your way.  I just haven’t been in the mood to take pictures of myself or pose lol or anything like that which particularly comes with the art of beauty blogging…whatever I’ve been going through it goes way back even before my NYC trip I was already troubled about it.  You guys know how shameless and fun I can be in front of the camera, but recently it wasn’t fun to do, and I didn’t feel like faking it.  I’m almost back, and I know some of you have been where I’m at right now…sort of, kind of, maybe-ish.  I’m actually in a place that isn’t so low anymore, some light rays have made their way in, and am gaining traction with my work so I’ve got lots of great things up ahead.  I’ve been praying for and sensing God’s leading and I know He has a huge plan and adventure for my life as long as I stay on His side.



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