Hey there!
Are you ready for this? On January 30th I am holding a live event here in San Diego! But, I have been super bummed that only San Diego locals can attend SO I decided to host a free webinar next Friday, January 24th with the EXACT SAME PRESENTATION called “The Top 3 Ways to Communicate Effectively for Female Leaders.”
Here’s the link to sign up now: http://www.classycareergirl.com/webinar/
If you are ready to take your performance and leadership to the next level, I am so looking forward to giving you an action plan during our call! I will teach you the simple system to help you gain confidence and have better working relationships for better results.
This brand new webinar on January 24th at 1:30pm PST (4:30pm EST) will show you how to:
- Confidently communicate and gain respect
- Stop making common mistakes many female managers make
- Build trust with the men on your team
- Avoid stress, anxiety and miscommunication
- Discover how to negotiate with men
Spots will fill up so make sure you register soon!
Virtual free webinar link: http://www.classycareergirl.com/webinar/
or attend live in San Diego here: http://elevateyourcareersd.com
See you on our live call on Friday or live in San Diego!!