Happy Runnerversary to me! Everyday, I can still hardly believe I started, let alone that I kept going.
- Over 500 runs logged on pavement, trail, track and treadmill; rain, shine, snow, ice, hill, mud, dirt, mountain, hypothermia, country, city
- 58 races run
- 2 Full marathons (and now training for a third)
- 13 half marathons
- 2 relays
- 1 Goofy
- Over $13000 raised for the fight against blood cancer
- Too many 5, 10 & 15k races to count
- So many runner girls running by my side - thank you all for your support! I am proud to be friends with such incredible women - both near and far!
- 3500 kms
- 16 pairs of running shoes
- Races run in 12 different cities/towns in 2 provinces and 2 states (doesn't seem like much for how much I feel like I've travelled)
- Steps run in 3 different countries (Canada, US, Mexico)
- Pounds and pounds of Gu ingested
- Litres and litres of electrolyte mix drunken
- Hours and hours spent at the chiropractor to keep me on my feet
- Two drawers bursting at the seams with runwear
- One treadmill purchased
- Two garmins, one ipod, one fitbit
- 32:04 to 27:35 in a 5k
- 1:10:44 to 59:38 in a 10k
- one healthy me who exercises consistently and loves almost every minute. Yep - that's the most important thing of all.