Here is a pretty standard FOTD (Face of the Day)from yesterday, which is very much a normal, basic type of look that I convenientlymanage to slap together for those usual slack, everyday kinds of non-eventful days.:-< You know, like when I am not going anywherespecial, but still feel the need to establish a no-fuss makeup look that cleverlymasks any unsightly flaws and imperfections, whilst triggering the fictitiousillusion of clear, healthy, flawless-looking skin, minus looking ‘all made up’.*-:)

Here are the productsI used:(*)

This gloriously lightweight, lotion style primer leaves myskin considerably soft, while smoothing out any abnormalities.I like teaming this primer with liquidfoundations, yet I am partial to it during those warmer, summer days when I needto avoid anything too rich and heavy coating my skin.The formulation compliments my oily skin andkeeps it relatively shine-free throughout the day, bereft drying it right out.It helps my makeup glide on seamlessly, encouragingit to appear fresher and to remain in place for much longer.:)
gloMineralsProtective Liquid Foundations Matte II

AustralisCosmetics Ready Set Go Finishing Powder

FACECliniqueAlmost Bronzer SPF 15 - Medium

ArbonneBlush – Taffeta

EYESNYXAuto Eyebrow Pencil – Dark Brown

RevlonHigh Dimension Eyeliner - Bronze Flash 03

AlmayIntense I-Color Mascara - Black Emeraldfor Hazel Eyes

BlistexStrawberry Lip Balm

BeccaNude Lip Liner Pencil - Nougart

BenefitFull Finish Lipstick – Lady’s Choice

LAST WORDThe above mentioned combination of cosmetics, constitutes the basis of my regular makeup ritual that I generally use on a day-to-day basis.(Yes, Ihave to admit; rarely a day goes by when I don’t wear makeup!:-O :">What! I hear you say, LOL!:))But, seriously, I feel sooooo naked without my ‘face’ on, hence why I feel the need to disguisemy defects behind a ‘barely there’makeup look. Whew, #:-Sat least with makeup I can tryyyyyyand appear ‘natural-ISH’, shh it’sour little secret, hehe;))) Onthose uneventful days when there is nothing planned. I don’t often bother concoctinga special eye shadow creation or upping the drama factor too much, unless Ihave places to go and people to see, in which case it’s indeed time to ‘rev’ things up a bit.Under those circumstances, I’ll possibly gothe ‘full hog’ and get reallycreative, or if you prefer, indulge in some ornamental fun!<:-P

Another excuse as to why I don’t really dig neutral-lookingmakeup on myself too much, is because I am a big fan of lots of color and Itend to feel a bit ‘plain Jane’ whenI wear the more ‘au natural’ hues.It comes down to my skin tone as well, coz whilethese shades can look spectacular on others (particularly models in the glossy mags or on the catwalk) I just can’tpull it off well at all.:-/ Kind of like…meh, whatever!’ :|Ithink it’s ok (average), but at theend of the day, it’s definitely NOT alook I would go to town in and it doesn’t excite me very much either… boring! (:| That’s just me, I am of the belief that makeupis all about FUN!!! :)>-
There you have my opinion, so how about you guys, what doyou think?Can you pull off an awesomenude lip or neutral makeup look?Does itsuit you…or, do you wanna bat on my team, preferring to adorn yourself amidst arainbow of exciting, inspirational, slightly crazy tinctures?:O)Umm,:-/well. maybe not ALLthe shades from under the rainbow at once, but you know what I mean, supereye-catching, color galore, YAY!\:D/Whatkind of makeup look do you like to adopt for an average, fuss-free day?Is it something different to a look you mightcreate to hit the town?Tell me more,tell me more, please share!! ;):)
The two FOTD images are my own and the product images are all generics.