Hair & Beauty Magazine

FOTD – Neutral Minimal Makeup Look

By Melmeko @melmeko

Here is a pretty standard FOTD (Face of the Day)from yesterday, which is very much a normal, basic type of look that I convenientlymanage to slap together for those usual slack, everyday kinds of non-eventful days.:-<   You know, like when I am not going anywherespecial, but still feel the need to establish a no-fuss makeup look that cleverlymasks any unsightly flaws and imperfections, whilst triggering the fictitiousillusion of clear, healthy, flawless-looking skin, minus looking ‘all made up’.*-:)
FOTD – Neutral Minimal Makeup Look
Here are the productsI used:(*)
FOTD – Neutral Minimal Makeup LookLauraMercier Oil Free Foundation Primer
This gloriously lightweight, lotion style primer leaves myskin considerably soft, while smoothing out any abnormalities.I like teaming this primer with liquidfoundations, yet I am partial to it during those warmer, summer days when I needto avoid anything too rich and heavy coating my skin.The formulation compliments my oily skin andkeeps it relatively shine-free throughout the day, bereft drying it right out.It helps my makeup glide on seamlessly, encouragingit to appear fresher and to remain in place for much longer.:)
gloMineralsProtective Liquid Foundations Matte II
FOTD – Neutral Minimal Makeup LookThis is one of the few mineral foundations in a liquidversion that I regularly rely on in summer because it’s a match made in heavenfor my oily complexion, which won’t melt straight off in the heat.#:-S   The special formulation is enhanced withadditional skin care ingredients to treat and protect my skin.It’s also oh so light, therefore I don’texperience that suffocating feel like so many of the heavier cover-ups.:)>-Instead, this foundation wears superbly comfortable, bolstering toprevent congestion and possible breakouts by allowing my pores to breathe. Even though I admit it feels lightweight withan airy texture on my skin, don’t for a minute think this will compromise thecoverage and performance.:-SNot at all![-XI actually only need verylittle of this highly pigmented, mineral blend to achieve maximum coverage,resulting in a complexion that is utterly flawless, with an ever-so-naturallooking, soft matte-finish. ;)
AustralisCosmetics Ready Set Go Finishing Powder
FOTD – Neutral Minimal Makeup LookThe finely milled white loose powder has a supremely softtexture, so I like to apply it with my velour puff, prior to dusting my face witha large, fluffy powder brush to remove any excess.I’m amazed that such a basic-looking, budgetpriced powder is so effective at setting my makeup and transforming my oilyskin by instantly absorbing any excess surface oils and keeping them at bay fora shine-free appearance that eliminates the need for continual touch-ups.I often select this powder to use followingliquid foundations because it imparts such a smooth, silky, matte finish toaccomplish ‘complexion perfection’ withthe greatest of ease.:D.
FACECliniqueAlmost Bronzer SPF 15 - Medium
FOTD – Neutral Minimal Makeup LookThis is my ‘go to’bronzer, boasting dual-toned colours that make it very versatile and suitablefor not only different complexions but also for adapting to irregular skinchanges throughout the various seasons.The contrasting shades, featuring a light and medium hued bronze, areperfect when used individually as a blush or bronzer; otherwise, they willcombine conveniently for contouring and highlighting the entire face.This delicately pigmented duo, blends seeminglywith my skin tone to effectuate a healthy, natural-looking, sheer tint ofcolour, which resembles a gorgeous ‘almostthere’ sun-kissed glow.=D>
ArbonneBlush – Taffeta
FOTD – Neutral Minimal Makeup LookI have previously reviewed this particular blush in a bitmore depth a while back, if you want to read more, simply click here.This is a brightly coloured powder blush,which has a semi-sheer color payoff (thatis buildable for a bolder, more vivid appearance) to gently buff into theskin, inspiring a beautifully feminine, lightweight, matte-like finish.  Justa light dusting of this smooth, pigment packed powder is all I need perapplication, because a little goes a long way and when blended delicately itdiscards minimal fallout.  I love how this blush provides a natural ‘pinched-cheek’ effect that is soft anddainty, complimenting my skin tone and staying in place all day without fading.;;)
EYESNYXAuto Eyebrow Pencil – Dark BrownFOTD – Neutral Minimal Makeup LookI like to keep my eyebrows well groomed because as thesaying goes; ‘eyebrows frame your face’,notably your peepers, which are claimed to be ‘thewindows to your sole’.Well-shaped brows will furthermore balancethe rest of your facial features.Althoughmy own brows are along way from being ‘well-shaped’,they have come a long way since the days of plucking the living daylights outof them! :-ONow, more than ever, whilstthey are growing, I rely on my trusty eyebrow pencil to fill in my sparse brows,depending on the waxy consistency to better mold the shape and hold the hairsin neatly in place.The attached brushon the flip side, maintains the tidy appearance, guaranteeing my brows retainthat permanent ‘wow’ factor’.\:D/Something worth noting, is this dark brown shade is, as a matter offact, a pretty accurate match, comparable to my light-medium brown colouredbrows, so beware that the highly saturated colour, is lighter than expected,therfore you may need a darker hue than normal./:)
RevlonHigh Dimension Eyeliner - Bronze Flash 03
FOTD – Neutral Minimal Makeup LookI absolutely adore my coloured pencil style eyeliners, :xwhichare currently my favorite (or most sortafter) makeup product.I have quitea collection of eyeliners, flaunting a spectrum of shades and brands that Iconstantly mix and match to suit my mood, for an eternity, I only ever usedblack liners, now though I will always incorporate a befitting color to spruceup my daily look.Pencil eyeliners havereally stepped up in the past couple of years, developing into various ultrarich, creamy formulas that apply and feel just like a liquid liner.Gone are the days of nearly scratching outyour eyeball trying to get a smidgen of color out of the hard, sharp-tippedpencil that despite ample effort, just wouldn’t transfer at all.~X(   Thesesoft, extremely smooth liners glide onto the lash line with ease as well as thewaterline, providing lasting staying power that won’t budge.In addition, the undeniably, bona fide colourpayoff, which is exactly what I lust, supplies the slick of defining color tomy waterline that makes my eyes ‘pop’.>:D<
AlmayIntense I-Color Mascara - Black Emeraldfor Hazel Eyes
FOTD – Neutral Minimal Makeup LookFor daytime wear, I opt for simple, inexpensive mascara toinject some color into my lashes and plump them up a tad, without becoming toodramatic or OTT (over the top).When I first spotted this mascara, I thoughtit would ideally replace the green-eye mascara I had previously employed, fromanother brand, which worked well and suited my lash requirements during the day.I have now determined that this one certainlydoesn’t disappoint!The large brush witha tapered tip evenly coats and separates each individual lash, with no flaking,clumping or smudging, and it’s buildable, permitting for additional coats thatcan be successively layered for a greater impact.The gentle formulation is kindy non-irritatingto sensitive eyes and while it lasts looking fresh and in place throughout theday, it washes off with ease to avoid the dreaded panda eyes.Earning its place as one of my preferreddaytime mascaras, because it’s merciful and caring to the delicate optics, alongwith the ability to still create a natural, fuller appearance to the lashes thatbrighten and emphasize my eyes.B-)
BlistexStrawberry Lip Balm
FOTD – Neutral Minimal Makeup LookI often need to prime my lips prior to applying my lippy, soI use a lip balm, which hydrates my lips and smoothes the surface, which isespecially essential for dry, chapped lips, filling in any lines, wrinkles orridges, so my lipstick adheres better and prevents any feathering, smudging orcreasing.I often reach for this handy wind-uptube, with added sunscreen to protect my lips from sun damage, as well asshielding them from the elements.Infusedwith natural fruit extracts, the formula smells and tastes like yummy, sweetstrawberries. (mmm strawberries=P~) The thick texture, which initiallycoats my lips, dries quickly and conditions my kissers without leaving anysticky, tacky residue behind.Thisaddition of this delightfully scrumptious balm to my makeup ritual ensures mylips are perfectly moisturised, soothed and polished ready to bear somecolour.:-*
BeccaNude Lip Liner Pencil - Nougart
FOTD – Neutral Minimal Makeup LookThis remarkably handy, double-ended liner, with its ultrasoft, creamy consistency, is a functional multi-use lip pencil consisting of askin-toned light beige hue on one end, with the dual side bearing a lip-tonedbeige that is a few shades darker.I am alwaysusing the light end when I makeup my lips, regardless of which color I plan onsporting, because the skin coloured shade is a spot on match that compliments my own skin tonefaultlessly, to highlight my cupids bow.The darker side however, I don’t use as often, yet it does come inuseful for lining and filling my lips to create a base to team with certainlipsticks to obtain a more precise, long-lasting, lip look. This liner has asoft, creamy texture that’s easily sharpened to maintain a fine point, promptingit to glide on so smooth and evenly without dragging on my lips.It’s an exceptionally good quality lip linerand despite being rather pricey up front, it‘s the best I’ve ever tried, promisinga gorgeous, natural-looking lip definition. :)
BenefitFull Finish Lipstick – Lady’s Choice
FOTD – Neutral Minimal Makeup LookI am not usually very fond of nude lips; however, this is my ideal lip color of choice, when Ido feel like rocking a realistic, true-hue, nude lip. What I like most about this sleek, easy toapply lipstick is its deeply moisturising formula, with an especially rich, urbercreamy, butter-like texture, fully loaded with pigment for an abundance of saturatedcolour and a subtle, slightly glossy, shimmer-free finish.The reason I am personally not fussed on anude lip is that I am not overly confident that the neutral hues even suitme.When I first tried this shade, it seemedto look like my lips had done the vanishing act and magically disappeared.:-OItalso make me look washed out and somewhat sickly. (eww! not a good look:-&) I have since discovered though,if I pair a slightly darker liner to the outline of my lips and fill in mynatural lip colour, forging a base underneath, the color becomes moreflattering and amazingly gives the impression that my thin lips are a little plumperthan normal.:DIt’s really starting to grow on me this one (at least for the minimal makeup days),but I’m still keen as to try out some of the different color options from thesame range.;)
LAST WORDThe above mentioned combination of cosmetics, constitutes the basis of my regular makeup ritual that I generally use on a day-to-day basis.(Yes, Ihave to admit; rarely a day goes by when I don’t wear makeup!:-O :">What! I hear you say, LOL!:))But, seriously, I feel sooooo naked without my ‘face’ on, hence why I feel the need to disguisemy defects behind a ‘barely there’makeup look.  Whew, #:-Sat least with  makeup I can  tryyyyyyand appear ‘natural-ISH’, shh it’sour little secret, hehe;))) Onthose uneventful days when there is nothing planned. I don’t often bother concoctinga special eye shadow creation or upping the drama factor too much, unless Ihave places to go and people to see, in which case it’s indeed time to ‘rev’ things up a bit.Under those circumstances, I’ll possibly gothe ‘full hog’ and get reallycreative, or if you prefer, indulge in some ornamental fun!<:-PFOTD – Neutral Minimal Makeup Look
Another excuse as to why I don’t really dig neutral-lookingmakeup on myself too much, is because I am a big fan of lots of color and Itend to feel a bit ‘plain Jane’ whenI wear the more ‘au natural’ hues.It comes down to my skin tone as well, coz whilethese shades can look spectacular on others (particularly models in the glossy mags or on the catwalk) I just can’tpull it off well at all.:-/   Kind of like…meh, whatever!’ :|Ithink it’s ok (average), but at theend of the day, it’s definitely NOT alook I would go to town in and it doesn’t excite me very much either… boring!   (:| That’s just me, I am of the belief that makeupis all about FUN!!! :)>-
There you have my opinion, so how about you guys, what doyou think?Can you pull off an awesomenude lip or neutral makeup look?Does itsuit you…or, do you wanna bat on my team, preferring to adorn yourself amidst arainbow of exciting, inspirational, slightly crazy tinctures?:O)Umm,:-/well. maybe not ALLthe shades from under the rainbow at once, but you know what I mean, supereye-catching, color galore, YAY!\:D/Whatkind of makeup look do you like to adopt for an average, fuss-free day?Is it something different to a look you mightcreate to hit the town?Tell me more,tell me more, please share!!   ;):)
The two FOTD images are my own and the product images are all generics.

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