Do you have any big plans for the weekend? I'm really excited about tomorrow because I'm getting my hair done. My hair grows at a ridiculously slow, glacial pace. Seriously. I have to cut/highlight my hair about twice per year. I guess it's cool that I don't have to spend a hundred bucks every 6 weeks on getting my hair done, but still. I'd like it if my hair grew even medium quickly. I started wondering what I could eat that could help me grow a lucious mane? Obviously if we want something to change on us, we have to start with what we put in us... so the quest began! I found a very informative artcle about the foods that are best for hair health... let me share them with you!
1. Lean Red Meat
A study conducted in the US showed that having an iron deficiency can cause baldness! Whaaaat??? This is more prominent in women - so if you're shedding a lot and hair isn't growing as quick as you'd like, you might be a wee bit deficient in the iron! Iron rich foods include turkey, egg yolks, whole grains (if you eat them), dried fruit and dried beans that have been soaked and cooked.
2. Eggs
Eggs are full of the vitamin Biotin which is a B-vitamin that promotes hair growth and overall scalp health. A definiceny in this vitamin can make hair brittle. Foods that high in biotin include peanuts, almonds, wheat bran, salmon, low-fat cheese (weird?) and avocados.
3. Bananas, beer, oats and raisins (this is a strange variety.. hm)
These all contain the mineral silica, which improves hair thickness (read - want a lucious mane? DRINK BEER! Just kidding folks, beer makes me bloated and is so not my drink of choice).
4. Dark Green Veggies
Getting our daily dose of green veggies is important for overall health, and important for hair health. They are packed with vitamin A&C which both help the body produce sebum which is a scalp oil that works as a natural hair conditioner!
5. Oysters (yes, please!)
It's no secret that oysters are packed with zinc. Zinc helps produce androgens. Androgens are hormones that are associated with hair loss, slow hair growth and dandruff if levels are too low. Other food sources of androgens are crab, clams, liver, lean beef and wheat germ.
6. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a fantastic source of beta-carotine which converts into Vitamin A in the body which is a nourishing agent for your hair and since. Vitamin A protects against dull hair, dry skin and a deficency in it is a leading cause of dandruff. You can get vitamin A from carrots, kale, butternut squash, asparagus and pumpkin!
7. Beans
They are rich in iron! See #1 for why iron is good for your hair health.
8. Fruits & Veggies
These are full of vitamin C which helps the body absorb iron. Not enough Vitamin C makes hair dry and weak. You can obtain vitamin C from broccoli, leafy greens, green peppers, citrus fruit and strawberries.
9. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
These beauties promote scalp health, a deficincy can lead to dry scalp and dull hair. Good sources include salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, flaxseeds and walnuts!
10. Vegetable Oil
When a diet is too low in fat it results in dry, lack luster hair. Healthy oils like peanut, safflower and sunflower can restore the shine, about a tsp a day should do it!
So a few of these foods have now made it onto my "must-eat" list to see if it helps me grow locks of golden beauty (actually, they would be locks of brown beauty but I'd highlight them golden). Hopefully this list teaches you something! Have you ever heard of eating certain foods to try and get your hair better?
Last night I had the wonderful opportunity to accompany my new found friend Cory to a 1-year anniversary party of the Extension Room which is a Toronto based dance studio and it was so much fun. I met Cory through the Toronto Yonge St 10km Digital Champion program which we are both a part of! We bonded over our love for Audrey Hepburn and became instant friends! At the anniversary party there were performances of all kinds, there was an opera singer, hip hop dancers, acrobatics, contemporary and ariel silks! Check out some of the photo's Corey took...

The studio is beautiful and they don't only teach dance there, they have bootcamps, pilates, yoga... it's so cool! I got to meet the owner of the studio, Jennifer, and she was absolutely gorgeous. I love going out and meeting new people, it's so cool. Have you ever heard of the country singer Amy Sky? You might remember this song, it was one of her most popular..
I don't think this is the official video but it's her song! Anyways, she was actually there last night! Because I wanted to act cool and not a loser who wants her picture with every famous person she runs into, I refrained from telling Cory I wanted a picture. There was one time where Amy Sky was walking towards me and she looked me square in the eye while smiling. I thought she was going to talk to me! I was excited for like 2 seconds because as it turns out, I was just in her way and she just needed me to move. Darn.

Here's a picture of Cory and I before we left for the night. It was so much fun, thanks for bringing me along Cory!
Because I met up with him around 7:30, I didn't have time to make dinner, but I had had a late lunch so I wasn't really concerned with being hungry. I got hungry however, and guess what I ended up eating for "dinner"? 3 cubes of cheese, a slice of chocolate cake and popcorn. WTF? I have to admit, the cake was delicious. But I've felt kind of crappy all day today. Oh well, it was worth it :).
Did you do anything out of the norm but fun this week? Cory is the second friend I've met through blogging/social media (Michelle being the 1st!) and they're both so great! Have you met any really good friends through blogging/social media?