Part 2 looks at another fave of mine: Mornflake's Orchard Oat Granola.
Mornflake Orchard Oat Granola in my cereal bowl :)
Yes!! I love crunchy foods! :)

Mornflake and I go way back and it is my mum that I have to thank for this.
Why do I love Mornflake? Well, for starters, I do not have to worry about all the extra sugar that is found in other types of cereals which abound in the supermarket. Nor, does it have any added salt. Another selling point is its all-around goodness. The oats, wholegrain and fibre, apples and sultanas. All these ingredients lend to anyone's healthy daily diet. The old clusters are toasted and so so so so so so so cruncy!!! Ok, ok, I will stop now! Other than using this cereal with milk, I add clusters to my plain or even fruit yogurts. I love it! The Mornflake company has been milling oats since 1675!!! WOW! Talk about legacy. The company is situated in Cheshire, England and has been owned from inception by the Lea family. I had to put in that bit of history to show that even in times of war and recession, this company and good management has held firm. You know, people need to eat. Agriculture seems to be no easy job by a long shot, I believe it has to be a labour of love!

We explored the goodness of rye in Part 1, now let's look at the goodness of oats. Oatmeal and oat bran are significant sources of dietary fibre. Much of this fibre is a mix of soluble and insoluble fibre. Soluble fibre breaks down as it makes its way down the digestive tract. Oats have a high content of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. It is also full of phytochemicals which are thought to reduce a person's risk of cancer. Phytoestrogen compounds in oats, called ligans, have been linked to a decreased risk of hormone-related diseases such as breast cancer. The high fibre content in oats also aids in keeping bowel movements regular as well as facilitating weight management. Apples are a source of Vitamin C and contain no cholesterol nor saturated fats. However, apples are rich in dietary fibre and antioxidants.