Family Magazine

Fitness Challenge Using No Gym!

By Hannah Staveley
Fitness Challenge Using No Gym!Fitness was never at the forefront of my mind until I hit my 30s and having two Children can take it's toll on the body as I have found out over the years.I was not been happy with the way I look and feel for sometime, and may I just add I am doing this for myself and no one else's  benefit but my own. 

Suffering from Depression is hard in it's self but when you are down on body confidence too this can add to your load as it did for me.Looking into a mirror was very hard for to do as all I could see is a huge ugly mess, and "yes" we are our own worse enemies when it come to this!At the start of this year I change my whole way of thinking about food + fitness to do this that was the only way for myself.

Starting Weight of 11 stone 12lbs

Fitness Challenge Using No Gym!

This might sound odd but my Mum & Dad had been doing Slimming World they both go to the groups but for me was not keen on that idea,so I took another approach by following the same plan without attending. Also this mean I could get the bars they do when they go "yes at first was not sure how this would go but hey nothing more to loose".


Step 1 – Choose Free Foods
Slimming World provides detailed lists of foods that can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Fresh fruit and most veg are classified as Superfree Foods because they are so low in calories. Free Foods include lean meat, chicken, fish, potatoes, rice, pasta, grains, pulses, starchy veg, eggs, fat-free dairy products, Quorn and tofu. Within Free Foods, there are three choices available: the Extra Easy choice; the Green choice (sometimes known as a Green Day); or the Original choice (a Red Day). You can mix and match these choices from one day to another or simply stick to the same one all of the time.
Step 2 – Choose Healthy Extras
In addition to Superfree and Free Foods, you are allowed Healthy Extras every day. These vary according to whether you are following the Extra Easy, Green or Original plan.
Step 3 – Choose Syns
Syns is shorthand for synergy – Slimming World believes it’s the synergy between the three components of the plan, ie. Free Foods, Healthy Extras and Syns, that makes Food Optimising effective at enabling weight loss. Nevertheless, many of the Syns are effectively what other diet plans would call ‘treats'. But Syns also includes foods found in the Healthy Extras, allowing you to eat bigger portions of these foods if you want them.
Regardless of the plan you choose to follow, you are allowed five to 15 Syns a day. These include foods like biscuits , cakes, crisps, dressings, alcohol, ice cream, preserves, puddings, pizza, chocolate and sweets. The Syns value for some foods may vary depending on the plan you are following but as a guideline one Syn is equivalent to around 20 calories. In contrast, WLR doesn’t encourage you to associate any food with negativity. Instead you learn the benefits of certain types of foods as you go and learn to make healthy choices, with the odd treat thrown in.

As a Veterinarian this was going to be very good for me with all the vegetables you can eat.

Portion size does matter so it's best to eat a smaller amounts of food instead of pilingyour plate up to top,also a good tip is using a smaller plate / dish so this does not happen.
You can treat yourself as you could save up all your weeks syns and have a cocktail or glass of wine if you would like too.   

Day One- Breakfast -SW bars x2 and yes you can use them as Breakfast bars too as I have done.

Fitness Challenge Using No Gym!
Lunch-Fruit boxes containing Pineapple / Grapefruit / Kiwi.Yogurt Danone Light & Free - Greek Style (any favour)  Dinner-Maggi Curry Flavour 3 minute noodles with new potatoes +stock cube.Snack-Sunbites Crisps bbq.Around 6 Syns

At home I have a selection on exercise equipment that I have bought over the years.
Around 20 / 30 minutes on rowing machine
Fitness Challenge Using No Gym!

Total Core Ab Machine....

5-10 minutes  
Fitness Challenge Using No Gym!

Floor Workout-
Fitness Challenge Using No Gym!
x10 Planks
x10 Side Planksx10 Long-Arm Crunchesx10 Bicycle Crunches
I tend to aim for around 2-3 sets.
Freestyle 5-10 minutes ... ie dance / jumps ect.
Other foods I eat are lots of veggies and salads.
Fitness Challenge Using No Gym!
Healthy Energy for my workouts
Fitness Challenge Using No Gym!
Fitness Challenge Using No Gym!

Fitness Challenge Using No Gym!

 Run more move that butt baby!
Fitness Challenge Using No Gym!

Strengthen and tone your arms and upper body with  a dumbbell set. Dumbbells are a cheap and effective way to get fit and toned without leaving the house. Whether you are working your biceps and triceps with curls and extensions, or adding resistance to lunges and squats you will begin to see the difference in tone and strength.

Also Protein is very important because it helps you feel fuller for longer, I use a few different products such as...Graze protein bites before my workout.

Fitness Challenge Using No Gym!

And the big reveal August 2017 
Fitness Challenge Using No Gym!

Fitness Challenge Using No Gym!

9 Stone 7lbs

I am overwhelmed with joy the progress I have made plus the determination and makes me carry on even more now.  
Just to update people I have lost some more now around 9 Stone :) 

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