Books Magazine

First Trip to Richmond Park

By Clo Hutch @lashesoflife

This weekend I visited the lovely Richmond Park - London is actually a lot more green than many think!


A view in Richmond on the way to the park – so beautiful! 

One of my friends invited me along for a picnic (weather permitting, obviously. Don’t we all love the english weather?!), and so Sunday afternoon I headed down to Richmond station, nice and easy on the bus, to meet them all.

We popped to the supermarket to get some picnic munch (Baguette, strawberries, carrots, houmous…) and headed to the park. Good old phone navigation did lend a helping hand I must say :P It is a little way from the station, but pretty easy to find!

We then walked down the main road of the park until we got to a track on the right which led down to a lake. It was so beautiful!




Okay so the sky didn’t look such a lovely colour, but it was still warm and really nice out. And Look at that beautiful view from our picnic spot.

We lay our picnic blanket out and all set ourselves down. It was so peaceful even with quite a few people enjoying the nice weather.

We managed to get a couple hours relaxing, chatting and eating before the rain started - And the thunder :( But luckily no lightning! 

My little trip made me realize just how much green London really does have, it really is quite a green city! Ok, so not as much in central London but even walking distance from my flat there’s parks, and if I just jump on one bus I can get to places like Richmond Park. So lucky and definitely something not to be taken for granted!

First Trip to Richmond Park

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