Business Magazine

Find a Career With Social Media: 5 Books to Give Away!

Posted on the 06 September 2011 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

Did you know that 89% of companies will use social media networks for recruiting in 2011, 1 of 3 employers will pass over a candidate because of something they found online and 86% of employers think candidates should make their online profiles more employer friendly?  If you’re a recent graduate, changing careers, or have been away from the job-search scene for a while, you need to learn as much as you can about how to use social media for your job search.

To help you in your job search today, here is some important information from Joshua Waldman, the author of Job Searching with Social Media For Dummies.

Find a Career With Social Media: 5 Books to Give Away!

How can Twitter or Facebook help me find a career?

Today, it seems like everyone and their mom is on Twitter and Facebook. When everyone is in one place, the networking potential is astronomical. That’s where you’ll find job opportunities. The more active you are on social media, the more people you’ll connect with. You might not realize this now, but you could be a friend of a friend of a friend of Bill Gates.

A video resume allows you to introduce yourself to an employer on a whole new level. On video, employers will think of you as a person with skills instead of skills on a paper. While many companies prefer receiving resumes on paper, others see real value in candidates who think outside the box.

What if I get googled?  How do I manage my online reputation?

Rather than asking, “Will I get Googled?”, ask yourself, “When someone Googles me, what are they going to see?” It might seem as though your Google results are untouchable, but they’re actually really easy to manipulate. Pay attention to your own content that made it to the first page of Google results. Most of this will be from your social media profiles and is easily edited.

If you find content about you from other people, get to the bottom of it. Always be leery about others posting photos of you online. Become familiar with your privacy settings and “untagging” features.

The author has given me FIVE books to give away to you!

To enter:
Leave a comment below with your email address. This giveaway is open to all residents in the US.  This giveaway begins NOW and ends on Friday, September 9th, 2011 at 4pm PST. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail.  You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected. Good luck!

**Congrats to winners Missy, Pamela, Jennifer, Ana and Ashlee!!!!

(photo by Laura K. photography)

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