Celeb Magazine

Ferguson Police Does Damage Control: Michael Brown

Posted on the 15 August 2014 by Elle @Elle_Sweetest

Ferguson Police Does Damage Control: Michael Brown

Picture Courtesy of Global Grind

It seems that when an unarmed teenager is gunned down in the middle of the streets by someone that is supposed to protect and serve the public, the community pay's attention. When that murder is believed to be racially motivated, sparks outrage in the community to the extent of rioting and mass candle-lit vigils, and angers people of all colors, the world pay's attention! The Ferguson police department are going to argue that had Michael Johnson not 'robbed' (allegedly) a convenience store, their officer would not have pursued him. Michael Johnson was not pursued because he was suspected of anything, if it were so, that fact would have been stated before anyone had the chance to riot, they would have stated that fact instead of trying to say Mike Brown had reached for the officers gun. the police department released a statement, (ferguson police department releases statement), there was no mention of Michael Brown being suspected of anything. It seems extremely convenient that they would release the murderous officers name at the same time they offer this pitiful excuse for executing an unarmed teenager.

Ferguson Police Does Damage Control: Michael Brown

Incident Report Against Michael Brown courtesy of TheSmokingGun.com

Ferguson Police Does Damage Control: Michael Brown

Photo Courtesy of @RyanJReilly

Ferguson Police Does Damage Control: Michael Brown

Photo Courtesy of @RyanJReilly

Michael Brown was murdered by officer Darren Wilson on August 9, 2014. He had no weapon, his grandmother said he had just left her home. According to USA Today, the shooting occurred around noon. Now, the police say he had robbed a convenience store minutes before the shooting, and release still images of footage that is supposed to be Michael Brown. Where is the time and date stamp on the stills? Let's say for arguments sake that it is Mike Brown in those pictures. First, I am so sure that he would not rob a convenience store that he frequents so often that the manager could identify him by name. Secondly, I would also be sure that the manager of the store would tell police officers that the suspect robbed him with no weapon of any kind, so he would not be deemed armed and dangerous.

Ferguson Police Does Damage Control: Michael Brown

Photo Courtesy of The Washington Post

Ferguson Police Does Damage Control: Michael Brown

Photo Courtesy of The Washington Post

I can't believe that the Ferguson PD actually thinks this is going to take anyone's attention away from the fact that this child, Michael Brown, was murdered in cold blood. The fact that they made this information that has never been investigated, and associated his name with it, shows just how wrong and desperate they really are. Do not let this feeble attempt to cloud your judgment get the better of you. Whether or not Michael Brown had robbed a convenience store is not what matters here. Officer Darren Wilson taking his life in cold blood is.

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