After these busy, busy weeks I am feeling a little under the weather. I have never had so much fun working and learning so much than I did over Valentine’s Day weekend. But running around like crazy has affected my immune system and made me feel ill.
Since my epiphany a while ago about natural remedies, I have been searching for different ways to nix illnesses before they happen. There are so many options that can help you feel better that are all natural and help you in the long run.
Here are some natural remedies you probably already have in your house that can help treat a cold or the flu.
• Not only does garlic make everything taste wonderful, it is a powerhouse natural antibiotic, antibacterial, and antifungal. It really is a super food! I use garlic very often but for potent illness fighting, mince 1-2 cloves and let them float in a small glass of water and drink it quickly. It might not taste the best, but it will help.
• Hot liquids have been a natural remedy for many years. But I swear by hot herbal teas and lemon water at the first sign of a cold. The herbs and lemon help amp up your immune system and kick that cold out. There are many herbs that are known to fight specific infections and illnesses like nettle leaf, ginger, chamomile, peppermint, and catnip.
• Cinnamon is good for stabilizing blood sugar and is also an antiviral and antibiotic. I like making cinnamon tea using cinnamon and honey. I find that it helps with coughing, scratchy throats, and congestion.
• Staying hydrated is key to fight an illness. If you have a fever it is extremely important to stay hydrated by drinking water and teas. Getting enough rest is also necessary. When your body is running in high trying to fight off whatever you have, it is important to get a few extra hours of rest to help your body reboot.
I know that WebMD is not the most reliable source for health related issues but there is a lot of information that helps initiate a search for reliable sources. The article 8 Tips to Treat Colds and Flu the ‘Natural’ Way, is a great place to start gathering natural remedy information.
Do you have a secret recipe or herb to help feel better when you are ill? I would love to hear more and try new natural ways to treat illnesses.
Until Next Time,