Entertainment Magazine

Feature Friday: Dearly

Posted on the 01 June 2018 by Music Creates Us @musiccreatesus

Feature Friday: Dearly

May marked the debut of indie pop artist Dearly, the emotional brainchild of singer-songwriter Amanda Jones.  Schooled in the art of pop, Jones decided to venture into a deeper part of herself with the emergence of Dearly.

Jones chose her stage alter-ego as an embodyment of each piece of her artistic self, from open sincerity to an unwavering investment in her craft. After what she describes as a difficult year riddled by anxiety and depression, Jones came out anew with Dearly, creating  a blend of her pop roots and emotional journey.  She maintains her catchy beats while pulling at heartstrings, connecting her fans not just to the artist, but to their inner selves as well.

Dearly’s debut single, “Get With You Alone,” is a beautiful testament to the artist’s new endeavor.  It pulls you in, not just musically, but lyrically, as well.  Similar in a way to CLOVES (Kaity Dunstan), there is a sort of power these women evoke simply through their voices and the emotions they can attach to them.

You can stream “Get With You Alone” now on Spotify.

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