I will disclose that I do work for Lush. I won't go into the product ingredients as it's going to sound like I'm trying to sell you these products, which I'm not. I'm just going to talk about the effects they had on my hair and why these worked for me. If you are interested in learning about the ingredients, you can find all that information on www.lush.co.uk :) I wanted to mention that prior I go onto my reviews, because I didn't want you all to think that I'm pulling a fast one. I honestly love these products and whether I work for Lush or not, I will continue buying these products.
First up...

Roots was one of those products that was recommended to me from my first day at Lush due to my apparent thin/fine hair. I grabbed this immediately as I am always looking for something to help this flat mop attached to my head :) I read the bottle like anyone else and did as they said. I put the creamy mixture onto my scalp and massaged it in. It is very thick and I think I applied too much the first time (typical me). I let it sit there while I had a bath and even applied a face mask. I could feel a tingly feeling. I left it on my hair for about 15 minutes and rinsed it off. I did this for about 2 weeks and I can't visibly see a difference, but my hair dresser did. I'm going to continue using this, because if my hair dresser can see the difference then there obviously must be some growth.


This dry shampoo bar looks so ugly lol. Let's be honest, there is nothing pretty about this product, but where it lacks in looks, it delivers in effectiveness. I actually confused this with the big conditioner, so I used this by mistake. What a glorious mistake that turned out to be! This creamy coconut scented shampoo bar is immensely moisturising. I needed this so badly as my hair has been rough, dry, and just lifeless. I am in love with this shampoo bar. So anyone who has dry hair - this is a must have!

Everyone knows that citrus oils break down oils naturally. So my greasy scalp really needs this product, but that's honestly not why I use I love Juicy. It's the AMAZING scent. I wish I had a body lotion, shower gel, soap and perfume in this scent. It is so yummy that I just close my eyes, take a sniff, and drift away onto a tropical island somewhere. My hair reacts well to this, but I honestly don't care if it is doing nothing for my hair, I will use this, because it is just the most delicious shampoo that I have ever used in my life. My lush dream would come true if I could get a perfume made in this scent lol! Fat chance, but a girl could dream, right? :)

The neroli oil in this sells this product for me. I love this one for the scent as well and have actually even put it on my wrist, because I love the scent...oh and yeah it works wonders on my dry ends too hahahaha

I love this yogurty deep conditioning hair conditioner so much that I even made the mistake of applying too much of it to the point that one day it weighed my fine hair down, but this is amazing for my dry ends. I also don't mind the scent at all either. Between Hair doctor and Retread, my hair has really taken a turn for the best. I am starting to feel better about my appearance because of these products. I love retread so much. For my thin and fine hair, a little bit of this goes a long way. I really wish they made bigger tubs so I can hoard these.
I think my biggest allure to these products were the fact that the ingredients were so natural and the fact that I could literally see my hair transform right in front of my eyes. I'm like any other girl who really stresses over their hair and especially for someone like me who suffers from a weird combination of oily scalp and dry hair, these Lush products have really made a huge difference. As I said before, even if I no longer work for Lush, I'll still buy these products.
I think the best way I can sum up my love for these products is by this photo :)

What's your favorite Lush product?